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  1. Cbty2050


    We do not not know what his labor rate is? If he uses a Alldata, Hemi plugs pay 2.2 hrs. List on Mopar plugs is almost $25/plug. Is he rolling a fuel treatment into the spark plugs(common practice)? Remember when people say they can get parts for xx amount, they are not running a business and...
  2. Cbty2050

    Camshaft replacement at the dealer

    That is if, the dealer will sell it. The part is on backorder w/ no stock in the PDC/depots. Some dealers do not buy from other dealers, some dealers will not sell to other dealers at a reasonable price.
  3. Cbty2050

    Camshaft replacement at the dealer

    OK. I look up parts on the Chrysler parts catalog daily. I promise you the number I gave is correct. Now imagine if the dealer let you buy your own part, they install your part(that is incorrect). Who pays for any issues that may happen? The backorder sucks, the cam will be available sooner...
  4. Cbty2050

    Camshaft replacement at the dealer

    I don't think that is the correct cam, 2020 Ram 5.7 Etorque camshaft part #68279273AA. The number you provided is for non Etorque 5.7.
  5. Cbty2050

    Antifreeze Smell in Cab…but No Leak?

    Along the side tank seams/edges.
  6. Cbty2050

    Antifreeze Smell in Cab…but No Leak?

    It's not an uncommon issue, I have seen this at lower mileage. Last one I did was for a family friend at 2020 @ 50k miles. Very small leak, the core had staining on it.
  7. Cbty2050

    Camshaft replacement at the dealer

    You have an etorque equipped 5.7? What part number you get when you looked up the part?
  8. Cbty2050

    Camshaft replacement at the dealer

    The camshaft for the etoque is on backorder with 0 in depots/PDC. Current eta is Nov 5th. If dealers won't release their inventory, it's difficult to get parts. Sucks for everyone
  9. Cbty2050

    Antifreeze Smell in Cab…but No Leak?

    Was that just a heater core and coolant? Book time is 10hrs(or so).
  10. Cbty2050

    Both manifolds cracked, dealer has no date when they will come in.

    I did not give you a number of parts available, you are an ASSuming they are available. I gave you numbers of parts in the dealer network. THERE ARE ZERO PARTS AVAILABLE IN THE DEPOTS.
  11. Cbty2050

    Both manifolds cracked, dealer has no date when they will come in.

    Why would a dealer sell a part that can't be ordered from the manufacturer? JFC you are arguing just to argue. THE PARTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO ORDER FROM THE MANUFACTURER, NONE IN STOCK AT DEPOTS. Do you understand that? Dealers are correct on saying they are on back order with no ETA.
  12. Cbty2050

    Both manifolds cracked, dealer has no date when they will come in.

    No they are not, supplier change and no parts at depots. Only 500 RH manifolds total in stock in dealerships. Dealerships are not selling. Many LH manifolds available about 3800 in dealerships.
  13. Cbty2050

    Exhaust Manifold Options

    What's in the blue circle?
  14. Cbty2050

    Exhaust Manifold Options

    What broken stud?
  15. Cbty2050

    Falken Wildpeaks AT4w vs HT 02 , possibly Rubitreks

    My wife has the AT4w on her Jeep and runs them year round in Michigan. She has no complaint in winter, the ride is quite for a Jeep, there is not much road noise at all. Why are you only considering Falkens? There are some good highway tread with 3peak snow ratings. What about an all weather tire?
  16. Cbty2050

    What I did today

    Stellantis would just say clean the rust off, like they did in the bumpers that start to rust.
  17. Cbty2050

    What I did today

    Looks great! Easy, simple way to give you a better look.
  18. Cbty2050

    Exhaust leak, and which gaskets?

    Very common issue, go to the dealer get a new gasket. Drill/melt the old bolts and replace.
  19. Cbty2050

    Oil and filters?

    Packaging looks like a knock off. I have never seen an 3.0 oil filter come in that packaging.
  20. Cbty2050

    Cargomaxx HD coils

    Leaf Spring & Suspension Authority Since 1965 | General Spring has great prices on springs.