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Search results

  1. Richard320

    Battery blanket confirmation

    I googled the part number and found the cheapest. It was some mopar dealership with an online store as well. v
  2. Richard320

    Another MPG thread

    I'm special. It's sort of the typing equivalent of stuttering.
  3. Richard320

    Another MPG thread

    It wouldn't surprise me at all if you drove faster this time, rather than babying your new truck like the first time and I have noticed that fuel economy falls off almost exponentially as the speed increases over 60. And I have 3.23 gears. The other thing to keep in mind is that the mileage...
  4. Richard320

    I need some assistance diagnosing my truck if you could help

    Just wait a day before panicking. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't already fixed itself.
  5. Richard320

    3rd Brake Light Options

    I'll leave the search box work to you, but I have read numerous threads here that caution against buying cheap LED stop lamps. Apparently they interfere with the key fobs.
  6. Richard320

    Thank You All - Dead Batteries

    The stop/start on these doesn't use the 12V battery. Turning it off won't help the 12V battery in the least.
  7. Richard320

    2019 ram 1500 bighorn idle problem

    Try cleaning the throttle body. If it gets gummed up, it can mess with the airflow and you'll be caught between two steps of the throttle motor and it will idle rough. Don't hose it down with carb spray. It can get by and enter the TPS. Just soak a rag with carb cleaner and wipe the throttle...
  8. Richard320

    7 pin trailer connector has no 12v power.

    Start by pulling that fuse. Check for power to one side and then swap out the fuse with one of the spares. You should have some spares in the underhood. Check out the image in this thread. Pink 30A spare near the fuse puller tool. If it's still dead, it's time to unplug the harness from the...
  9. Richard320

    Mixing Octane

    I've been on trips in high altitude areas where regular is 85, mid is 87, and premium is 91. I just spend the extra buck or two and go for the premium. Probably doesn't need it, but I feel better about it.
  10. Richard320

    Lack of Coasting/Drag/Engine-Braking?

    My 2019 is quite the opposite. It coasts and coasts especially when I don't want it to, like coming up to a light on a 2% slope, trying to time it right without having to use the brakes. I wouldn't be too quick to fault the transmission without making some other checks. What kind of tires...
  11. Richard320

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    I saw this on facebook and I'll say the same thing I said there This is staged. Busting tires is hard work, and commies hate hard work.
  12. Richard320

    I took advantage of Tropical Storm Hilary

    I'm still waiting for more than light rain and stifling humidity, but I took advantage of it anyway and washed my truck. All those dried bugs just wiped off after soaking for six or eight hours. And there were no fears about it drying before I could rinse. And I get a soft-water rinse out of it...
  13. Richard320

    F150 Reality Check

  14. Richard320

    Low oil pressure

    It could be as simple as a bad oil pressure sending unit. Take it to a garage and let them put it up on the lift and see where it's coming from.
  15. Richard320

    H8 battery for 2021 1500 5.7 Hemi eTorque?

    Without a battery maintainer on the stored battery, six months would be about the limit, I think. I know Interstate checks dates and rotates stock at their independent retailers. Why wait? If you're going to buy a battery in advance, why not install it then? What happens if you tie up $2-300...
  16. Richard320

    Smooth ride

    Switch to 18" wheels and get some sidewall flex helping. My truck rides better than my wife's Camry. It may not corner as well, but for riding down the road it can't be beat.
  17. Richard320

    Auxbeam lighting

  18. Richard320

    Electrical issues.

    First question: Is the battery original? I don't care if the dealer tested it and said it was good. I asked if it is original. If so, start there. Countless people here have had gremlins that miraculously disappeared when the battery was replaced. Bunch of links to related threads here...
  19. Richard320

    Power Wagon pricing - WTF?

    Some dealers want to make all their money on one sale. 20-odd years ago I went to the local Jeep dealer just to see what Wranglers were going for. They had sliced the price column off the Mulroney label and had a supllemental pricing label stuck on I started walking and some salesman caught...
  20. Richard320

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    I'm getting grief on facebook because I said that woman should be put on a permanent no-fly list.