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  1. Richard320

    New here

    Welcome. Don't let HSKR R/T's warm welcome put you off.
  2. Richard320

    Centering Steering Wheel

    I looked through what I have of the service maual and nowhere does it mention resetting a steering angle sensor. Which isn't absolute, because the factory manual is kinda weak. However, it was okay, you changed suspension parts, and now it's not okay. Something got messed up with the leveling...
  3. Richard320

    Odd AC experience, is it a RAM thing?

    That's normal. The why is the mystery. I suspect it is to keep the evaporator from icing up, others think it's to prevent a buildup of CO2. Whichever, it brings in some outside air. I've tried to get ramcares to ask Chrysler engineers, but it turns out they're completely useless.
  4. Richard320

    Stock sized spare with larger tires?

    It shouldn't make a difference since you don't have positraction. You are correct that you don't want to engage the electronic locking diff. The front end is not limited slip but you still don't want to use 4WD unless you're on something really soft and loose like mud or sand.
  5. Richard320

    Strange Writing on Airbox

    I don't see how that made it through the PDI. Maybe it's a test by the factory to see if the dealership catches it?
  6. Richard320

    What I did today

    Those wheel locks will slow down a determined thief about 3 seconds per wheel. There are spiral-fluted sockets made just for removing wheel locks that have stripped out or which have lost the key. Slip it on, a smack with a hammer, shove on a cordless impact gun and done. It probably took me...
  7. Richard320

    Cylinder 2 Misfire P0302 - 2019 Ram 1500

    Spark plugs would have been the first thing I'd go after. And while I had the coil off anyway, that's when it gets swapped with another. All it takes is a pinhole in the spark plug boot, cracked porcelain, or some carbon tracking and you have a misfire.
  8. Richard320

    Cargo Light/Bed Rack Light Question

  9. Richard320

    New 5th-Gen 1500 Fuse / Relay / Circuit Breaker Diagrams & Documentation

    Spare is just a spare fuse, it's not wired. The short answer is: No. First line in this factory publication is "Ram 1500 DT trucks do not have upfitter switched battery circuits available under hood" You'll have to use a fuse tap under the dash. There is a rubber nipple passing through the...
  10. Richard320

    2021 Dodge Ram Laramie wheels lock up while Driving

    Something. I'm not sure which tools allow it and which don't, but there are people here who have don it. Use the search box from alfaobd or reprogram.
  11. Richard320

    2021 Dodge Ram Laramie wheels lock up while Driving

    Did you reprogram the tire size? You might be triggering traction control.
  12. Richard320

    Auto 4x4

    What auto mode does is engage the front axle disconnect and then engage the clutches in the transfer case if the rear wheels lose traction. So you're always spinning the front driveshaft, but you may or may not be powering it.
  13. Richard320

    Horrible First Impressions - Huge Fail

    I hate to tell you this, but Ram doesn't run this site. Best you can do here -- and it won't amount to anything -- is summon @RamCares
  14. Richard320

    Driving in Neutral

    You might be creeping in neutral. Go find an empty flat parking lot and see. Otherwise, what's probably happening is that you pull on and the ear on the drive belt hits your tire and since you have low rolling resistance, you lurch forward, and then the ear catches up with the front tire and...
  15. Richard320

    Interior Bed Light

    Take it back under warranty.
  16. Richard320

    Need help diagnosing P0113.

    That means there is a problem in the ECU or in the harness to the temp sensor. Try wiggling the connector while watching the data stream. It could be a broken wire at the plug.
  17. Richard320

    Need help diagnosing P0113.

    The next step is to short the two pins while monitoring data. It should go to some high number. For some reason, 276F comes to mind, but don't quote me on that. Just know it should go really high. If it does, then the wiring and the computers are fine, and you have a bad sensor. If it doesn't...
  18. Richard320

    No longer switches to eco mode

    BTW, this only turns out the ECO light, it doesn't shut off ECO mode.
  19. Richard320

    No longer switches to eco mode

    And does it go into ECO mode again? Enquiring minds want to know.
  20. Richard320

    CB Radio

    Find the cigarette lighter fuse. It is a two prong fuse in a three prong socket. The middle is the lighter, one side it B+, the other is Key on. Move the fuse to B+ and stick a spade terminal in the open space, then fuse it and take it to your CB.