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  1. kapinallinen2

    Push to start oem wires or plugs ???? Need to locate

    VT/BN is ignition switch sense wire. WH/GN is security K line communication wire. Both connect to Module, Radio-frequency hub. When the RF-hub is happy that the key fob belongs to the truck and the transmission is in park signal is received from the BCM, the hub sends a run/start signal to the...
  2. kapinallinen2

    Interior water leakage under front driver side carpet liner

    There has been cases where a pinch weld flaw somewhere along the A pillar was causing leaks.
  3. kapinallinen2

    Video request: How to change out a rear door latch cable

    Alldatadiy has the service procedure.
  4. kapinallinen2

    Which 3rd brake light to get?

    Depending on the model year and trim level... I used this on my 2019 Rebel, the weather seal is serious compared to the original.
  5. kapinallinen2

    Lemon Law Questions

    That same thing can be caused by marginal fuel quality, just a thought. Happened to me, multiple cylinder misfires, rough idle on cold start`s, fine on consecutive starts when the engine was warm, bad fuel. I also had one injector fail around 80K miles, caused a single cylinder misfire DTC.
  6. kapinallinen2

    Looking for seat wiring diagram

    Subscribe to Alldatadiy. This is for my 2019 rebel. I do not have power passenger seat so no info available with my subscription.
  7. kapinallinen2

    Lemon Law Questions

    Injectors are fairly easy to replace, cost around 60 bucks ea. Manifolds, depending on what side, take more effort. Done both, I keep a spare injector in the toolbox.
  8. kapinallinen2


    Transmission Control Module (TCM) (8HP75) - ECU Not Initialized. Most likely cleared the DTC because of the number of key cycles. Batteries going bad play havoc with these trucks.
  9. kapinallinen2

    2021 ram. Possible to replace radio dials? Were chewed off! 🐶

    My search came up with that same P/N. I have not replaced them how ever.
  10. kapinallinen2

    Condenser clutch freezes (not spinning)

    You need to put it on you-tube and post a link to it here. Also, what year and trim level is your truck?
  11. kapinallinen2

    Weird one - GPS-set time is wrong?

    My map shows me in northern Canada, the satellite receiver and Wi-Fi died 4 years ago and I have been slowly drifting north ever since. The clock is not keeping time either due to 0 satellites being picked up according to the display. The fix would have been a refurbished radio to the tune of...
  12. kapinallinen2

    Sub Zero No start with new battery

    Just had that happen with my spare fob that stays in a unheated garage, put in a new battery and it works again.
  13. kapinallinen2

    Tell me I'm not crazy 2019 1500 BCM Issue

    A nogo for me, wearing polarized eye wear with ceramic tint do not play well together.
  14. kapinallinen2

    Headlight switch replacement

    Pretty sure the daytime running lights need to be disabled in the BCM also, either with a J-scan or ALFA-OBD. There has been several thread about that here, might try a search on the subject.
  15. kapinallinen2

    Tell me I'm not crazy 2019 1500 BCM Issue

    Keep us posted on the progress.
  16. kapinallinen2

    Transmission fluid change?!

    They were as much fun as a barrel full of monkeys...
  17. kapinallinen2

    Transmission fluid change?!

    I dropped the Y-pipe to get the pan out, might try jacking up the trans. next time.
  18. kapinallinen2

    Tell me I'm not crazy 2019 1500 BCM Issue

    Sounds like an advisor.