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  1. bigdodge

    SHAP 2022 holiday schedule

    subject to overtime
  2. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    do you deal with the sales person or go above their head?
  3. bigdodge

    Climate in Auto

    the engine has to heat up enough for the thermostat to open and permit warm water to flow into the heater core.
  4. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    thanks SHAP is keeping real close to 50 an hour.
  5. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    what was the total build? I seem to always miss it.
  6. bigdodge

    Engine hours! Let’s see what you have.

    what about the time the factory puts on it?
  7. bigdodge

    What is this used for?

    tie down? a wider picture might help.
  8. bigdodge

    TheftPatrolPlus GPS Tracker Removal - Junk installed by Dealer

    try this were the trucks you removed it from an ordered truck or a dealer stock truck?
  9. bigdodge

    TheftPatrolPlus GPS Tracker Removal - Junk installed by Dealer

    did any of you who had this placed on your truck an ordered a truck or is this only done on dealer stock? I have purchased many vehicles both order and from stock and never had it done on them
  10. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    some posters are reporting that dealers are installing the bed liner and other things.
  11. bigdodge

    TheftPatrolPlus GPS Tracker Removal - Junk installed by Dealer

    why don't you all list the dealers doing this?
  12. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    anything off MSRP in this market is good. don't forget to register your vin when you get it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XAZCsecD67IBmQ1YUudQKWVcfGepUmK89RHyotukGBs/edit
  13. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    our worst nightmare.:(
  14. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    but we can not see what you see we only see what the chart shows and that is only members. maybe a daily foot note to note this as we are getting more and more new members everyday as you well know.
  15. bigdodge

    Difference between Level 2 and Level B

    I will give you an example of mine. ordered the level one which is what you see on line factory changed it to lever A which you can not see on line. they have different items
  16. bigdodge

    A 2019 Rebel has a tv show

    kind of https://www.google.com/search?q=deeks+new+truck+on+ncis+los+angeles&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=YaFGsTQCfKNusM%252CAzD2ETLiyloMmM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSn7IqKDH5fndpwBhJhmuBKyU_heQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTofaDzvfzAhXbJTQIHUAGDGYQ9QF6BAgGEAE&biw=1215&bih=524&dpr=1.13
  17. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    saw this on another thread
  18. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    the estimated date is on the poc.
  19. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    does anyone have access to a copy of the "sales code details" and or "sales code description"? might be the same thing. it looks like a book or pamphlet