The “program tire size” section is a shortcut to “VehConfig 4: Dynamic Tire Circumference”.
When you make a size change in program tire size, that VehConfig 4 value is what is being changed in the BCM.
All of those tires in the list are just shortcut values that the developer converted on his own using those tires’ “on paper” sizes, and most will be inaccurate (yes, I understand that there are some that people have used that have worked for them).
The easiest way to get close right off the bat is to just measure the tire on the truck from the ground to the center of hub in inches x 2 x 3.14 x 25.4 = circumference in mm. Then enter that in either program tire size, or VehConfig 4, doesn’t matter.
As far as the “inflated value” that it’s spitting out, there’s some kind of conversion error that the developer has going on with the current app software version, but as far as what is actually being written to the BCM, it is the 2760 value that you wrote in.
You can verify this by clicking on the battery icon in the lower right, click read system ID, let the list fully populate, and scroll down to VehConfig 4, and you will see that it really is set to 2760.
If you are checking your actual speed vs the speedometer using a gps app on your phone, make sure that your phone is not connected to the truck in any way.