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Towing the new camper

Didn't mean to hit a nerve, but fact remains, I check this thread for advice on RAMs towing campers. I don't come here to see vacation snaps and advice on towing with an F350. You post good info, but it would be better suited to a Ford forum and/or Insta. But having to scroll through dozens of pics (30+ on this page alone) to find the towing advice is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Out.
You didn't hit a nerve. I thought my blunt response would save us both some time. Guess not...so let's expand on it a bit.

How much of this thread have you actually read? It's right in the title that the thread is about towing a camper. Most folks who do that care about the information and pictures I've been providing for going on three years. Things like campground experiences, towing concerns, WDH setup, camper mods, tire reviews, etc. generally apply independent of my current tow vehicle. If you're looking for something more specific, maybe my thread isn't for you.

I decided long before you signed up here that I'd use this thread to document the knowledge that I gained and experiences I've had. We started out in a Ram 1500 and, over time, we moved into a different truck. We wanted that to be a Ram, but the F-350 was closer to what we wanted. There are plenty of folks here who may very well end up on a similar path, going from a half ton to a larger truck, traveling around the country, or just modifying their current rigs.

As others have said, they're getting something out of it. So am I. I enjoy being able to share this with the forum, and the conversations I've had and even just the sanity checks go beyond why you personally decided to stop by my thread.

Also, I don't do Instagram, YouTube, blogs, or whatever else. I'm not monetizing this. I'm just sharing a pretty cool life experience with like-minded people.

If you don't like any of that, scroll on by. 🍻
Maybe the forum needs a camping thread. I've followed along with @SnowBlaZR2 and posted my towing set and some camping pictures. This thread has worked pretty well for me though. 🤷
I'd be in favor of adding a camping sub forum. Another moto site I'm on does sub forums like this proposed very well.
Usery Mountain outside of Phoenix:





We also picked up a pair of Hobie iTrek 9 inflatable kayaks and upgraded to the MirageDrive 180. We're definitely excited to get these out on the water this weekend. They fit nicely in the bed of the truck after some reorganization, but we definitely need to hit our storage unit back home to drop some stuff off. :LOL:


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