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Recent content by Threesuns1

  1. Threesuns1

    Power Running Boards

    It depends on who you talk to at the dealer. Had mine installed last winter at the dealer. The first thing I did was check to see it they were in the UConnect system, they were not. I ask why and no one had any idea what I was talking about. I told them the whole reason I had the install them...
  2. Threesuns1

    New Front Bumper Options

    Here I was bored and did it for you, post #3. https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/aftermarket-front-bumper.54110/
  3. Threesuns1

    New Front Bumper Options

    I've seen the Wicked Bumper on someone's truck somewhere on here. Do a quick search and I sure you'll see it and others.
  4. Threesuns1

    Power Running Boards?

    Had mine installed at dealer for $2039 total/out the door in March 2024. The guy used a $250 coupon he had in is desk to get it down to that price.
  5. Threesuns1

    Proper way to use 4 wheel high and auto

    Question? Does running 4 auto all the time cause more wear and tear on the drive train?
  6. Threesuns1

    Proper way to use 4 wheel high and auto

    Agree. When needed to order my 2000 F250 to get the locking hubs and manual transfer case. I want that control and peace of mind when it was/wasn't in 4wd. If they were calling for snow, I'd lock the hubs and only need to engage 4wd with the manual transfer shifter.
  7. Threesuns1


    Just a thought. Did you check the options/setting for it in uconnect to see if it was changed with the reprogramming?
  8. Threesuns1

    Factory Brakes

    Did you get the, "Pretend there's an egg between the gas pedal and foot" speech too?
  9. Threesuns1

    Power Running Boards?

    I had the Mopar power running boards put on by the dealer last winter. The thing I like about them is that they can be controlled (deployed/retracted) on the radio screen. For me they are the perfect height for getting in and out of the truck.