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Recent content by kapinallinen2

  1. kapinallinen2

    Calibrate Electric Parking Brakes

    Yes, and if that does not work, then cut and splice the wires bypassing the connector. OMG...
  2. kapinallinen2

    Broken passenger door handle

    Spend 19.99 for a one month subscription to AlldataDIY, study the disassembly procedure, then take the door apart and inspect for broken parts or disconnected linkages.
  3. kapinallinen2

    Skeerdycat skid plate cracked

    Mine is holding up. Only have around 20k miles on it.
  4. kapinallinen2

    4WD Actuator Issues

    Should be under the glove box.
  5. kapinallinen2

    Help! AlfaOBD disabled settings

    There is, something about "save vehicle config. to file" I saved mine couple of years ago, can`t remember off the bat how to do it. The alfa obd sub forum has lot of useful info.
  6. kapinallinen2

    Heater core removal

    I get an occasional whiff from under the hood. Tried finding the source couple times with no luck.
  7. kapinallinen2

    Fog/driving lights quit

    Not going to find any dedicated fuses to individual lights, they are controlled and or powered by the BCM. On my 2019 rebel the F49 , interior PDC, feeds both of the LED housings but does not power the fogs. Also, your fog-lamps serve as your cornering lamps. The left headlamp and the fog lamps...
  8. kapinallinen2

    2019 Ram 1500 Sport Fog Lights

    They get power from the BCM. Check L90, WH/OR for voltage under load, if there then the light could be bad, if not then that would point to the BCM, the feed coming from it. After thought, also check the ground side connections if voltage is present.
  9. kapinallinen2

    2019 RAM 1500 5TH GEN VOLTAGE AT 15.8

    Should have nothing to do with coil packs, unless one is causing EMI and maybe throwing off the charging system, this however is highly unlikely. Presuming that all the connections are clean and tight, sounds like a problem with voltage regulation, caused either by the PCM, alternator sense or...
  10. kapinallinen2

    Poor gas mileage

    Sounds about right. My Hwy. drops down to 10 to 12 mpg with my air brake (rooftop tent) on the rack.
  11. kapinallinen2

    Power steering fuse

    "BCM lost communication with power steering control module" Could be either module or a problem with wiring. What symptoms do you have? COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE When Monitored and Set Conditions NOTE: When performing this diagnostic procedure, additional diagnostic procedures may...
  12. kapinallinen2

    Water spots specifically on the plastic trim parts....

    I guess the main idea is to remove the hose-water droplets that have mineral deposits in them, before they have a chance to dry. Heck even a leaf-blower could do that.
  13. kapinallinen2

    B Pillar Body Cushions

    Looks like it according to Alldatadiy.
  14. kapinallinen2

    Water spots specifically on the plastic trim parts....

    The chamois works on my rebel after washing the truck. Maybe someone else can chime in.
  15. kapinallinen2

    Random tapping noise 2023 bighorn

    I would tap around and push pull around the corner of the dash and the A-pillar to see if I could hear anything.