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Recent content by Jasonml24

  1. Jasonml24

    Does anyone else have this?

    I know exactly how you feel. This is my 2nd new generation Ram and I couldn’t be happier with it. Enjoy your new ride!
  2. Jasonml24

    Does anyone else have this?

    You could mention it to them and see what their response is. A body guy might be able to buff the spots out. Maybe somebody on here will read this and have some better insight for you. It does suck when you find a flaw on a brand new vehicle. I have terrible Ocd about my vehicles so I feel your...
  3. Jasonml24

    Does anyone else have this?

    Without ever really seeing the process in person, I’d say it’s probably a pretty clean environment, but with that being said it wouldn’t take much to get a little something in the air that could make its way into the booth. Considering the size of these trucks, I’ve only found a couple of these...
  4. Jasonml24

    Does anyone else have this?

    I’ve found a few on my 19 that I traded in and have noticed a couple on my 21. I’m no body guy, but from talking to a few buddies that know more than I do, they claim it’s probably dirt or a foreign particle that gets on the body part before it gets painted. Take that for what it’s worth because...
  5. Jasonml24

    Vehicle Health Report

    That’s crazy! I just can’t understand why it only seems to not work if you have the 12 inch screen, but the 8.4 it works.
  6. Jasonml24

    Vehicle Health Report

    Your welcome! Like I said in my earlier post, it just started working over the weekend for me and I’ve had the truck over a month now. The app did everything else but show the health report up until now. I had zero issues with it when I had my 8.4 in my old truck.
  7. Jasonml24

    Vehicle Health Report

    iPhone 11 Max. iOS 14.6.
  8. Jasonml24

    Vehicle Health Report

    I do agree to an extent but I’ve spent money on dumber things than that. While I agree it’s dumb that you have to pay for it, it’s not anymore ridiculous than spending money on SiriusXM just to listen to the radio. The nice thing is it’s a choice if you want to pay for it or not and it’s still...
  9. Jasonml24

    Vehicle Health Report

    Working fine now for 3 days.
  10. Jasonml24

    Vehicle Health Report

    I’m not sure if it’s a radio update or Uconnect had to update something on their end. I know I’ve had the truck since May 21st and it had never worked up until this weekend. The remote start and all that worked fine from day one, just not the vehicle info.
  11. Jasonml24

    Vehicle Health Report

    In my 19 Laramie with the 8.4 it worked. Just turned it in and leased a 21 night edition Bighorn in May with the 12.1 and was disappointed it didn’t report it on the app. I did some looking here on the forum and saw for some reason it didn’t work with the 12.1 which makes no sense to me...
  12. Jasonml24

    Trucks Built After 4/13/2021 Getting Only One Keyfob

    Mine was built 4/21 and I got two fobs.
  13. Jasonml24

    New Truck

    Been a member for some time now, but haven’t been as active lately. Just wanted to update my status since I took advantage of this crazy car market right now. Lease on my 19 Laramie was coming up in July so I was able to lease a 21 Bighorn and got a really nice buy out from my dealer that made...
  14. Jasonml24

    Slight vibration

    Well you very well could be right. I know for myself when I first noticed it, I could feel it in the floorboard, the seat and if I put my leg against the door. Magnified 10x’s pulling my trailer. Yours very well could be an issue in the rear, but also I believe the noise cancelling signal comes...
  15. Jasonml24

    Slight vibration

    Here’s how it was explained to me. The noise cancellation system and the modules are working against each other. The modules are activating when they aren’t supposed to and when that happens the noise cancellation system is sending a signal through the speakers that is almost like a vibration...