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Recent content by HAL9001

  1. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    Unless you own this forum, you need to discuss this subject with the other moderators and the forum owners. One moderator's opinion is not the final say on any forum. Do what you will. As for me, I've made my point and this will be my last post here. One more nice thing ruined by politics.
  2. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    It is sad and if it were only me, it wouldn't be a problem. Sadly, it's millions of people.
  3. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    I'm not trying to bicker with anyone, I'm trying to mitigate the bickering. This thread is toxic, passive-aggressive, and highly divisive to the forum community. If no one else can see that or lacks the courage to say it, then I will. I can take criticism and I certainly don't expect everyone...
  4. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    If you can disagree with anyone about anything and still be their friend then the world and this country needs far more people like you.
  5. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    All news channels, both right and left say we are divided. So, in your reasoning, they must all be fake and we're just one big happy family. Jan 6 was fake too.
  6. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    Having our country divided against itself is not funny. It wasn't funny in 1861 just before the Civil War and it's not funny now. If you can't see the danger in this then it may be too late.
  7. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    It would take a lot more than fake news to deny that this country is divided.
  8. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    There is no peace in threads like this, that's the whole point. Just bickering and division.
  9. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    So, you advocate an all-out shoot-out here as a solution? Should we do the same in the real world? Have a specific place where everyone can go to have it out? That would get ugly, and deadly, very fast as Jan 6 clearly showed. This is only going to make the on-topic forum political arguments...
  10. HAL9001

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    Ok, I have to ask the 5thgenrams moderators, what is the point of this idiotic thread? This is supposed to be an automotive forum, if anyone wants to discuss politics, there are thousands of forums and social media sites dedicated to that. So what's the point of ruining this forum by going way...
  11. HAL9001

    Phaser Pin Sheared Off - New Engine

    It's been more of an issue on Ford trucks than on others.
  12. HAL9001

    Bed Mat over Spray-In Liner?

    I used these mats to cover the entire floor of my garage. It saved the concrete from road salt damage and is the best garage floor cover available anywhere. The mats are 3/4" thick heavy-duty rubber and wear like iron, almost nothing affects them.
  13. HAL9001

    Is the regular hemi still an option?

    You're entitled to your opinion of course, but I like my e-torque and would definitely buy it again. I have no problem with the drivability and appreciate the minor fuel savings, extra torque, and especially the glass smooth shifting it provides. I've never owned a vehicle with smoother...
  14. HAL9001

    Is the regular hemi still an option?

    I actually do enjoy it. I'm an engineer and I enjoy technology, but I do respect your feelings. If you don't want it on your vehicle then you shouldn't be forced to have it.
  15. HAL9001

    Is the regular hemi still an option?

    This is an old recall dated 2019. Owners were notified and the problem was fixed. The issue was simply an incorrect assembly repair process and has been rectified. It is not a design or operational issue with e-torque. It looks as though only a few vehicles out of tens of thousands were...