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Recent content by ewag

  1. ewag

    Front Turn Signal Not Working

    Thank you MannyN!
  2. ewag

    Front Turn Signal Not Working

    No takers on this? Anyone know of a thread that addresses the problem? I've been looking but can't figure it out.
  3. ewag

    Front Turn Signal Not Working

    Hitting my unlock button while walking towards my truck I noticed the driver side turn signal in the headlight assembly not flashing. The type of assembly I have is in the attached photo, seems like there are multiple options so I figured a picture would be the best way to convey what I have...
  4. ewag

    Map Update availability - SHAME on ME

    I use WAZE running through Andriod Auto, displays quite nicely on the screen. Maps are up to date and I can tell where the Lawmen are at (at least in theory) when I'm racing around town.
  5. ewag

    Issues after jump start

    Huh. I just added my issue here..... https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/truck-dead.1896/post-193402
  6. ewag

    Truck dead

    Last night my truck was dead as a hammer after being parked for just shy of 3 full days. Dead, dead, dead..... Got a jump, shortly after putting power through the jump the interior lights were dim. A few minutes later, the dash lit up like a normal start, but not enough juice to crank, a few...
  7. ewag

    Issues after jump start

    Sorry to hear of your problems.... I had my own last night that I'll put in a new post unless I find an extremely relevant existing post. I read all posts in this thread but don't think I saw where you stated what caused your battery to die. Do you know?
  8. ewag

    Tire jack mode doesn't work

    If it comes down on me while it's on the ground, I'm more worried about my belly getting stuck on the front air dam than my head being crushed. LOL
  9. ewag

    Tire jack mode doesn't work

    I just assumed locking it out from operation would work at any height, but you know what they say about assumptions! I'm going to drive up on ramps, put it in OR2, and see if stays there WITHOUT using the lock out option. Will report back here just for the heck of it.
  10. ewag

    Tire jack mode doesn't work

    2019REBEL .... how do you know this? The 692 page owner's manual doesn't say that, at least as far as I can find. I would like to put the truck on OR2 and then lock the suspension system up. Always assumed TJM would keep it locked, but like the original posting, for me after about 5 minutes...
  11. ewag

    TPMS & Tire Rotations

    It's reasonable to think they wouldn't "downgrade" a feature. Thanks devildodge.
  12. ewag

    TPMS & Tire Rotations

    Anyone know if '19 RAM TPMS will automatically "relocate" the readings on the display after the tires are rotated. I looked this morning in the 692 page PDF user manual searching for anything related to TPMS and tire rotation and didn't see anything describing a process to reset the locations...
  13. ewag

    Mileage Updated via Uconnect

    Michael, this is infuriating to read after all the run around you went through and that RAM knows about it. Glad you have a good service dealership to help you out. Thanks for posting what you've learned..... please keep the post updated if anything new happens.
  14. ewag

    Mileage Updated via Uconnect

    But according to firecadet613 is DOES seem to be working for him on his Laramie, so why for him but not me / us? Surely this can't be a Limited problem only? I agree that the Andriod version of the Uconnect app doesn't seem to have any place where it shows (or should show) this info, but when...
  15. ewag

    Gas mileage on the 2019 5.7 hemi without etorque

    SMILES PER GALLON.... right on brother! I love putting my foot in that 3.92 and hearing it gulp down fuel. Maybe one day I’ll feel differently, but not for a while. I always tell anyone who wants to criticize the MPG that if I was concerned about it, I would have bought a Prius.