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Condenser clutch freezes (not spinning)


Feb 26, 2025
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So, 2022 Ram 1500 eco-diesel clutch appears to be freezing up and the distinct smell of serpentine belt is present. I took it to the dealer, who charged for a diagnostic, kept the vehicle for 4 days, put several hundred miles on it without being able to (re-produce) the problem. Still have the problem. I'm not sure what to look for, I printed out a list of possibilities, (the dealer said the refrigerant levels were fine) I had mentioned at the time there are electrical issue possibilities that could produce the problem, they said they checked 'everything' but could not re-produce the problem. Anyone out there knows what the fix could be?
So, 2022 Ram 1500 eco-diesel clutch appears to be freezing up and the distinct smell of serpentine belt is present. I took it to the dealer, who charged for a diagnostic, kept the vehicle for 4 days, put several hundred miles on it without being able to (re-produce) the problem. Still have the problem. I'm not sure what to look for, I printed out a list of possibilities, (the dealer said the refrigerant levels were fine) I had mentioned at the time there are electrical issue possibilities that could produce the problem, they said they checked 'everything' but could not re-produce the problem. Anyone out there knows what the fix could be?
If a pulley ays frozen, you'd hear the belt squealing, as well as smelling it.
So, 2022 Ram 1500 eco-diesel clutch appears to be freezing up and the distinct smell of serpentine belt is present. I took it to the dealer, who charged for a diagnostic, kept the vehicle for 4 days, put several hundred miles on it without being able to (re-produce) the problem. Still have the problem. I'm not sure what to look for, I printed out a list of possibilities, (the dealer said the refrigerant levels were fine) I had mentioned at the time there are electrical issue possibilities that could produce the problem, they said they checked 'everything' but could not re-produce the problem. Anyone out there knows what the fix could be?
next time you hear the noise get a video of it.
Definitely smell it- and can see the clutch not spinning. Checked all fuses also.
Got a video, showed the dealership.

Took a video and showed the dealer- having a hard time attaching video-
You do realize when the A/C isn't actively running the clutch does not spin? And just because you have you HVAC set to A/C does not mean the A/C compressor is engaged all the time. It cycles to maintain interior temp selected by user.
I realize that the system becomes active as needed; my understanding is that the serpentine belt should be spinning freely on all planes and that the clutch will engage the condenser as needed. Whats happening is that the clutch is deciding when to spin freely and when to freeze. You can see and smell that poor serpentine belt being oppressed by the evil clutch.
I realize that the system becomes active as needed; my understanding is that the serpentine belt should be spinning freely on all planes and that the clutch will engage the condenser as needed. Whats happening is that the clutch is deciding when to spin freely and when to freeze. You can see and smell that poor serpentine belt being oppressed by the evil clutch.
Electrical issues wouldnt cause the compressor to be hard to spin. If the clutch is engaged, and the motor is struggling to spin the compressor, then it's a mechanical issue with the compressor. There is going to be more strain on the system when clutch is engaged which is why RPMs are usually bumped by 200 RPM when A/C is on. There could be a bad tensioner, not keeping proper tension on the belt allowing it to slip.
Electrical issues wouldnt cause the compressor to be hard to spin. If the clutch is engaged, and the motor is struggling to spin the compressor, then it's a mechanical issue with the compressor. There is going to be more strain on the system when clutch is engaged which is why RPMs are usually bumped by 200 RPM when A/C is on. There could be a bad tensioner, not keeping proper tension on the belt allowing it to slip.
Thank you! I will check for the location of the tensioner; the belt feels pretty firm-

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