Experienced this too. After finally getting a hold of the full manual as a download (my truck did not come with a paper manual), I found Key Fob mentioned a few times.
Page 17:
The key fob’s wireless signal may be blocked: if thekey fob is located next to a mobile phone, laptop, or other electronic device. This may result in poor performance.
If your vehicle is equipped with a Wireless Charging Pad, the key fob may not be detected if it is placed within 6 inches (15 cm) of the pad, reference page 71.
With the ignition in the ON position and the vehicle moving at 2 mph (4 km/h), all RKE commands are disabled.
Page 72:
To avoid interference with the key fob search, the wireless charging pad will stop charging when any door or liftgate is opened, even if the engine is running.
Page 73:
Do not place the key fob or any other type of metal/magnetized object inside the mobile phone housing or near the wireless charging pad.
CAUTION: The key fob should not be placed on the charging pad or within 6 inches (15 cm) of it. Doing so can cause excessive heat buildup and damage to the fob. Placing the fob in close proximity of the charging pad blocks the fob from being detected by the vehicle and prevents the vehicle from starting.
At this point I'm probably going to read the whole manual since there are definetly some gotcha's with this Ram.