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RF hub failed - now I know

2021 Ram BigHorn at 40,088 miles Unfortunately, I am in the boat of finding out that my RF Hub needs replaced. It comes with no warning of failure. Mine happened as I am on a work assignment 2 hours from home, planned to be on job assignment for 5 days working in the vehicle on a job site with 12 hour shifts. After several hours of in and out of the truck, I go to use the key fob and no response to unlock doors, I use the manual key to enter and no response to push start, acted as if the key wasn’t acknowledged inside the vehicle, so I sent someone to get me a new battery for the key fob to which did not fix it. I called the dealership to go through various options to which, disconnect the battery and touch the positive and negative cables together to possibly reset any code issues, use the key fob to push start, and try 3 different jump packs (one being the tow truck driver who said oh man it has to be a battery issue lets try my jump pack) none of these options gave any response to helping. My wife drove 2 hours to my location bringing the backup key fob and it didn’t work either. After a long fight with the extended warranty to issue roadside service and not have to pay ot of pocket for tow, and pre calling the local dealership that I had it towed to (Luckily because it was a Friday afternoon) otherwise it would not have been looked at until the following Monday. The advisor after diagnosing that it was the RF Hub said the part would be 3-5 days or for a rush, a $30 extra cost, it could be guaranteed to the shop by Wednesday.

So luckily with my wife now with me I can continue job assignment through the weekend go back home on Monday and then turn around maybe Thursday to drive back up and get truck.

Complete inconvenience and hassle.

I would like to note one symptom that may be be related to the only possible sing of pre failure, while driving up to work location 2 hours away, while phone was plugged into to CarPlay and talking through truck speakers and mic the audio went out, Bluetooth also wouldn’t work, but the maps continued to work through CarPlay. The advisor stated the RF Hub would have an affect on that symptom.
So I’m on 2nd replacement of RFH and even though it seems there is no water infiltration. We discovered water getting in 3rd brake light housing and running around rear window and hitting terminals 9&10 and causing corrosion to short out the hub. Word of advice is to remove 3rd brake light and silicone all holes where wiring comes in from housing opening. Known serious issue by Mopar but they aren’t issuing recalls. YET…
So I’m on 2nd replacement of RFH and even though it seems there is no water infiltration. We discovered water getting in 3rd brake light housing and running around rear window and hitting terminals 9&10 and causing corrosion to short out the hub. Word of advice is to remove 3rd brake light and silicone all holes where wiring comes in from housing opening. Known serious issue by Mopar but they aren’t issuing recalls. YET…
No recalls, just extended warranty on the light.
Went to get in my truck Sunday morning and the keys wouldn't unlock it. Fobs would not open the doors and it seemed dead. I used my manual key to open the doors and the alarm went off. I soon popped the hood and disconnected the battery to stop the alarm. I had to move it out of the way of my other car in the garage so I disengaged the trans from Park with the lever under the ebrake under the panel. I pushed it out of the way and tried a few more battery connects and disconnects to no avail, the alarm kept sounding and my fobs didnt work. Long story longer, I took my battery out and had it tested and it was good. After leaving the battery disconnected overnight I decided to try it one more time Monday morning and the alarm reset and my fob worked and the Ram started. But it ran for about 30 seconds then shut off and the keys didnt work again. Sheesh. Finally got it towed to the dealer and they found the RF hub is failed. No water intrusion just flat failed.

What a disaster of a design in my mind. What if this happened to someone off-road? I don't know what the design should be but sure isn't it. I also just took a long road trip to SC and am so glad it happened in my driveway, not out during my trip with my family in the truck.

Had my 21 towed to dealer to find out rear glass leaked water which got into rf module and fried it same **** fobs not work..been at dealer since April 2 and ram cares told me today another 30 to 45 days no parts..been a nightmare!! Replacing rear glass carpeting and rf module..trading that POS as soon as I get it back never will buy another..poor design to put a computer part in rear of truck and the fact they have issues with leaks and this part frying since 2016!! Mine had 36k miles at 24k rack n pinion went out whole new front end..tired of the lemon and the lies!
I d also like to see some pictures of the RH and area. if I fold up my seat bottom (about the middle of truck) I see a small black box on the rear wall. Is that it.? I have a 24 and have been trying to prevent this type of issue somehow. Thanks.
I d also like to see some pictures of the RH and area. if I fold up my seat bottom (about the middle of truck) I see a small black box on the rear wall. Is that it.? I have a 24 and have been trying to prevent this type of issue somehow. Thanks.
Yes it would be behind right side black box should be 2 ends on on each side..passenger side..
You know, the hub right under a window (regardless of leaks, it can be left open) and the electronics in the dash were any liquid cleaning the windshield or putting tint on it can be fried is just a **** poor design. I am sure the "engineers" worked hard on that layout.
First, thanks for the photo. It would appear a leak would have to be in a small (certain) area to get that box wet? It is up off the ground. I ve seen photos of people with water on their seat for example. How is that box getting wet ? I m missing something here as I look to be able to check mine and maybe prevent this shi$$ show.
First, thanks for the photo. It would appear a leak would have to be in a small (certain) area to get that box wet? It is up off the ground. I ve seen photos of people with water on their seat for example. How is that box getting wet ? I m missing something here as I look to be able to check mine and maybe prevent this shi$$ show.
Exactly why it is a water magnet, no idea.
More or less, just runs down the back wall, be it the rear window frame or brake light leaking.
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I'm curious as well about the RF hub getting water damaged. Most back window leaks I've seen on the forums are because of frame cracks on either ends, and not in the middle where the RF hub is located. Unless the leak is from the CHMSL or antenna? Or the middle sliding window was left open.
water probably runs down the window motor cables and drips onto the rf module
First, thanks for the photo. It would appear a leak would have to be in a small (certain) area to get that box wet? It is up off the ground. I ve seen photos of people with water on their seat for example. How is that box getting wet ? I m missing something here as I look to be able to check mine and maybe prevent this shi$$ show.

I'm curious as well about the RF hub getting water damaged. Most back window leaks I've seen on the forums are because of frame cracks on either ends, and not in the middle where the RF hub is located. Unless the leak is from the CHMSL or antenna? Or the middle sliding window was left open.

The most common area for leaks has been from cracks that form where the slider frames are located. Circled in yellow in the pic I borrowed from @kapinallinen2 . You can see that the one on the passenger side is pretty much directly above the RF hub. Doesn't take much imagination to see how water can get to the RF hub, assuming gravity still works. lol

RF hub Ram 1500 DT cracks.jpg
Ok, so you would have to see water on/in the lower window channel I d assume?
I wonder how many people forgot to close the window and had it rain on them?
any leaks down the sides should clear the hub?
Great picture!!
You'd think you would see water in the channel, but that wasn't the case with our 2020 Limited. I saw water on top of the rear seats, on the window frame itself, but not in the channel. Maybe there's a drain? I haven't looked that closely to the back window to be able to tell you that.

I wouldn't assume anything with water. Maybe if the truck were stationary any water leaking down the sides might not make it to the hub. But all bets are off once you start driving. Truck movement and lateral forces when cornering can help the water get to places it wouldn't get to when the truck is sitting still.
First, thanks for the photo. It would appear a leak would have to be in a small (certain) area to get that box wet? It is up off the ground. I ve seen photos of people with water on their seat for example. How is that box getting wet ? I m missing something here as I look to be able to check mine and maybe prevent this shi$$ show.
It leak into the window track then down the cables to the windows motor then out the motor onto the rf hub prefect design for failure
Went to get in my truck Sunday morning and the keys wouldn't unlock it. Fobs would not open the doors and it seemed dead. I used my manual key to open the doors and the alarm went off. I soon popped the hood and disconnected the battery to stop the alarm. I had to move it out of the way of my other car in the garage so I disengaged the trans from Park with the lever under the ebrake under the panel. I pushed it out of the way and tried a few more battery connects and disconnects to no avail, the alarm kept sounding and my fobs didnt work. Long story longer, I took my battery out and had it tested and it was good. After leaving the battery disconnected overnight I decided to try it one more time Monday morning and the alarm reset and my fob worked and the Ram started. But it ran for about 30 seconds then shut off and the keys didnt work again. Sheesh. Finally got it towed to the dealer and they found the RF hub is failed. No water intrusion just flat failed.

What a disaster of a design in my mind. What if this happened to someone off-road? I don't know what the design should be but sure isn't it. I also just took a long road trip to SC and am so glad it happened in my driveway, not out during my trip with my family in the truck.

I am about to get my 3rd RF hub replaced. Living in Ontario Canada, lots of snow and ice. Chalk this up to Poor design, unbelievable.
I am about to get my 3rd RF hub replaced. Living in Ontario Canada, lots of snow and ice. Chalk this up to Poor design, unbelievable.
Is it due to water leaking in around the back window? I would assume so. If you are paying out of pocket for these RF hubs then somehow you need to fix the root cause of their failures, agree? I ended up getting my second one covered under an auto insurance claim. They paid me for the RF hub and cables and keys, and the moldy carpet in the back. Wouldn't cover the window because they claim it wasn't damaged FROM the water intrusion. So I used the money to get a new hub (didn't require new keys so I got $400 extra from that) and a new back window as I didn't do the mold repair and used that money for the window. I actually made money on the insurance as it ended up covering my deductible and the carpet money was more than the window replacement. I did the mold repair myself.

So hopefully now my window is good, no more leaking hence no more RF hub failures. Maybe you could consider an insurance claim?

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