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Slight pause from etorqe starting from stop.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2023
Reaction score
Just noticed the last few days my Etorque slightly stalls when starting from a stop when at a stop light. Only 5500 miles on the truck. Anyone notice this?
Mine is not always 100% smooth but it's not enough that I have been concerned. I've not noticed any kind of stalling at start up. It often seems more ready to race away from a stop sign than I am.

One of the purposes of the eTorque is to prevent delays in movement while waiting for the vehicle to fire during autostart. It is supposed to spin the crankshift to restart the truck while at the same time providing up to 90 lbs of torque for forward momentum. This source says it "resumes forward motion within 70 milliseconds after an auto-stop".
Mine is not always 100% smooth but it's not enough that I have been concerned. I've not noticed any kind of stalling at start up. It often seems more ready to race away from a stop sign than I am.

One of the purposes of the eTorque is to prevent delays in movement while waiting for the vehicle to fire during autostart. It is supposed to spin the crankshift to restart the truck while at the same time providing up to 90 lbs of torque for forward momentum. This source says it "resumes forward motion within 70 milliseconds after an auto-stop".
I’m not concerned just more so wondering if it’s common. I usually turn auto start off anyway.
Mine is not always 100% smooth but it's not enough that I have been concerned. I've not noticed any kind of stalling at start up. It often seems more ready to race away from a stop sign than I am.

One of the purposes of the eTorque is to prevent delays in movement while waiting for the vehicle to fire during autostart. It is supposed to spin the crankshift to restart the truck while at the same time providing up to 90 lbs of torque for forward momentum. This source says it "resumes forward motion within 70 milliseconds after an auto-stop".
70 milliseconds😆😆😆😆😆😆
They better recalibrate that stopwatch🙄
Mine is more like one second. The delay is very noticeable. So much that I keep A/S disabled.
70 milliseconds😆😆😆😆😆😆
They better recalibrate that stopwatch🙄
Mine is more like one second. The delay is very noticeable. So much that I keep A/S disabled.

Yea, I don't notice any delay at all. My music is always loud enough I can't hear it stop or start and except for occasionally seeing the autostop symbol on the dash, I can't tell the difference between when it's on or off.

Except, on 100 degree days when I feel the cabin start to warm until it reaches the threshold for restart.
Mine also started doing that a few weeks ago and I notice a number of complaints coming in on this board and others over the past several weeks. I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with how the programming handles the colder weather, slightly aging batteries, winter gas blends, etc.

Anyway, after running it for 20-30 mins I could repeatedly make mine stall going up an inclined driveway with very light throttle. There would be a delay in throttle response (bigger than usual), the RPMs would drop to 300 for a half second and it would stall, auto e-brake and auto park itself. Crawling around the neighborhood at about 10 mph and barely holding down the throttle would do nothing. Gas mileage was reduced and it felt clunky driving around town holding speed. All this would only happen when it was hot.

I took it to the dealership and they applied two TSBs: software updates for the PCM and the HCP. It feels like new again and gas mileage is improving. We'll see how long it lasts.
I find my extremely jumpy... When the truck auto stops, I always just take my foot off the brake, pause a sec and then step on the gas. If I don't, it lays you back in the seat and tries to give you whiplash. I'm assuming I'm just not used to it yet, since I've only had it a couple weeks.
Not uncommon, but I’m learning how to use the eTorque. I usually run with A/S “on.” I only have issues at an uphill 4-way stop. For this, I either temporarily deactivate the A/S, or get away with never fully engaging the service brake that would turn the truck’s engine off- since I am at a complete stop due to the hill. Otherwise, the system has been impressively responsive for my 4,200 miles on my truck.
I find my extremely jumpy... When the truck auto stops, I always just take my foot off the brake, pause a sec and then step on the gas. If I don't, it lays you back in the seat and tries to give you whiplash. I'm assuming I'm just not used to it yet, since I've only had it a couple weeks.
You won't get used to it. I had a 21 and now a 22, still don't like the pause/jumpy throttle from a dead stop. What I do like is I have no problem getting the heavier tires to start rolling.
Mine Auto Start/Stop works smooth as glass. The engine turns off about 1.5 seconds after I come to a complete stop and turns on immediately after releasing the brake, I step on the gas pedal and drive off, as if it was never shut down.

Are some of you having issues two-foot drivers, and maybe stepping on gas pedal before releasing brake completely?
Mine Auto Start/Stop works smooth as glass. The engine turns off about 1.5 seconds after I come to a complete stop and turns on immediately after releasing the brake, I step on the gas pedal and drive off, as if it was never shut down.

Are some of you having issues two-foot drivers, and maybe stepping on gas pedal before releasing brake completely?

Had to edit, it didn't like that had A SS instead of Auto Start/Stop
Mine shuts off while I'm still rolling forward. Mind you I'm only doing like 1km or 2km an hour, but I am definitely still rolling when the engine shuts off.
And, yes, I lift my foot off the brake and then step on the gas after about a second.
My issue is that if I'm going between the gas and brake at low speeds, both in drive and reverse, it can be pretty torque-y. In fact, if I'm trying to pull in and park close to my other vehicle, it's extremely hard to feather the gas to get it really close. That could be automatic braking? Not sure, I haven't had time to try it with and without the nanny settings yet. (I have the nanny settings still on because I have two learners in my family and I'd rather have them on all the time, then forget them when they drive.)
I have no problems with acceleration other than a bit of throttle lag. My problem is the stupid regenerative braking! When I first bought my truck in '20 I HATED A/S/S 😏. I slowly learned to live with it and now actually like it other than the regen braking.
I find my extremely jumpy... When the truck auto stops, I always just take my foot off the brake, pause a sec and then step on the gas. If I don't, it lays you back in the seat and tries to give you whiplash. I'm assuming I'm just not used to it yet, since I've only had it a couple weeks.
There is a learning curve here for sure. Mines very new and the auto start is immediate after releasing the brake, sometimes totally unnoticeable. If i give it a second and go easy on the gas pedal i can be ultra smooth, but i carelessly hit the gas once and it accelerated like a demon - BANG, we are off !!
Demands a little care and attention from me, and im ok with that, but theres no chance of it stalling like the OP talks of. That isnt right !!
I have no problems with acceleration other than a bit of throttle lag. My problem is the stupid regenerative braking! When I first bought my truck in '20 I HATED A/S/S 😏. I slowly learned to live with it and now actually like it other than the regen braking.
I wonder if it's the regen braking that I'm noticing. Does it still activate even if you are just inching forward or when you are in reverse? Can you turn it off? I'd like to be able to do some testing with it on and off...
I wonder if it's the regen braking that I'm noticing. Does it still activate even if you are just inching forward or when you are in reverse? Can you turn it off? I'd like to be able to do some testing with it on and off...
Mine kicks in when slowing down from speed like at a stoplight. I have to very lightly "feather" the brake pedal to come to a smooth stop. The best way i can explain how it feels is like the brakes are catching or the transmission is downshifting.
I wonder if it's the regen braking that I'm noticing. Does it still activate even if you are just inching forward or when you are in reverse? Can you turn it off? I'd like to be able to do some testing with it on and off...
Nope can't turn it off. Even if your disable all of the eTorque features that would drain the battery it always regens :(
I like the way it regens except for the fact I always need to give it gas and thus get worse mpg then without eTorque. On stop and go traffic on the highway it's brutal because it jerks you forward and back. If I keep myself in second gear it's a bit smoother so I think it's partly the transmissions being aggressive.
If I understood the system more I never would of ordered my truck with it. At least I don't need to replace what would of been my alternator for the first 8 years of ownership due to emissions warranty.
I wonder if it's the regen braking that I'm noticing. Does it still activate even if you are just inching forward or when you are in reverse? Can you turn it off? I'd like to be able to do some testing with it on and off...
If I'm stopped and the engine is off as soon as I shift out of drive, to neutral to get to reverse the engine starts, so mine doesn't work in reverse.
If I'm stopped and the engine is off as soon as I shift out of drive, to neutral to get to reverse the engine starts, so mine doesn't work in reverse.
I was speaking of the regen braking in reverse if you are feathering the brake. Just seems really jerky and is hard to modulate if you are trying to reverse (or go forwards) slowly and in small amounts.

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