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Considering a Ram 1500, but concerned about reliability... New to 5GenRam


Dec 26, 2022
Reaction score
Orlando, Fl
I've been lurking for a while... I've owned a 2006 Tundra for the past 18 yrs and it's got 255K miles. Other than replacing the injectors, changing the oil and brakes as well as changing the driveshaft bearing and U joints, I haven't had a single problem with it. It's time for a new truck and I think I'm going with a Ram 1500 Limited. I'm shopping around for used, but if I can't find what I want will order new from Mark Dodge.

Just wanted to ask, has anyone had reliability issues with their Ram? I have looked at Consumer reports, JD Power and other rankings, but was looking for owner experience. I have a few 80's and 90's CJs and wranglers and while I know times have changed they were plain unreliable.

I have been a Ram guy since 2005 and as of recently came back from F150 and only issue so far is Uconnect in my 2022 Its intermittent and I have taken many videos but dealer wont fix unless "THEY" can reproduce it 3 attempts and many hours wasting my work hours and they cant reproduce and I guess they think Im making it up with the videos cause I enjoy sitting around dealership thats 1.5 hours away from me taking time off work.
No issues with my 21 Limited
It’s been a good truck. I wouldn’t buy anything older than a 2022, since they got most of the bugs out by then.

All year models can have a leaking rear window and cracked exhaust manifolds at some point, but it isn’t strictly a ram problem. I personally haven’t had these issues.
I think the top 3 most common issues are:
-Leaky rear window/3rd brake light. Pretty sure this problem persisted into ‘21 and possibly is still a problem.
-Lifter/Cam failure
-Exhaust manifold bolts breaking
And a bonus one that’s not a failure but it is something kinda annoying, is the AC doesn’t get very cold. There is a cheap $20 kit you can buy to work around this issue though.
I’ve heard of plenty of other issues but they’re usually few and far between. These are the only ones I’d personally be worried about & check into if I was buying used
I’ve had two 2004 Ram 1500s, a 2020, and now a 2022. The ’20 was EcoDiesel and I did have the very common oil leak from the timing cover. But all the others had gasoline engines and I have never had one single issue. Rams are excellent trucks. I cannot say the same for the Chevy or Ford trucks I’ve had which all needed repairs at various times.
2020 Limited with 120,000 miles.
I love my truck, and it has never left me stranded. However, it just doesn't feel as solid as I would have liked.

Problems so far:
- LED headlight failed (within two weeks of purchase)
- Camera in pod behind rearview mirror (for adaptive cruise I believe) failed (also within two weeks of purchase)
- two new exhaust manifolds (very common, have had these replaced on 3 out of 4 hemi's I've owned)
- replaced front stabilizer around 100,000 miles
- replaced inner tie rod around 110,000 miles
- currently have a nasty rattle when going over bumps, have not located problem yet
- my AC goes into recirculation when I accelerate, then stays there forever - mostly just annoying
- active air dam has just failed (permanently deployed), taking it in to dealer next week
- fuel economy isn't anywhere near advertised values, and much worse than our 2014 Ram (which is comparable in weight and drivetrain)

The first three items were fixed under warranty, the rest are on my dime.

Finally, and not directly related to truck: the dealership experience. It is very hard to find a RAM dealership that is able and willing to deliver quality work. Most of them are complete scumbags that take your money (or Stellantis') and do the absolute minimum or less. Some have also made mistakes that I had to call them out on (filling differential and transfer case with the wrong oil).

I originally chose this truck over others because it was cheaper than the Tundra and others, even if adding an extended warranty. I figured that if I got an extended warranty that would cover the cost of repairs I might not have had with a more reliable truck. With the insane price increases at Stellantis (48% in the last 4 or 5 years) they have priced themselves out of the market (for me). I'm going to drive this truck at least 7 years (as we do with all our vehicles), and as things stand now, will not get another Ram when the time comes to replace it.
I think we have to be careful when comparing mid-2000s vehicles to 2023 vehicles. I also had a 2006 Silverado that went for 12 years without any major issue. There's a huge difference in that truck versus todays. That truck didn't have 50,000 computer chips that all work together for proper operation. The newer cars and trucks are rolling computers and are no longer just mechanical works of art.

Every vehicle will have issues. Ford sold over 800k F150s in 2017, but I had a lemon in 2018. It happens. I've seen complaints on this forum regarding the Rams, and luckily, I've not experienced most with my truck.

Educating yourself prior to purchase seems to work for me regarding issues that do pop up. My truck sometimes gets a clunk when going over bumps. I've seen multiple fixes and think I've isolated it to the sway bar endlinks, which I'll replace myself. I also had the rear window leak. I investigated the fixes listed and found the one that worked for me, so I did the fix myself. Other issues that have popped up have been addressed by the dealer, or are issues that all Rams experience that there's not a fix for, like the AC blowing through the defroster causing windshield fogging.

Ford, Chevy, Toyota and RAM all have issues of some sort, so you need to get the one you like the most, and make the most of it.
I have owned a 22 Big Horn for the past 13 months. The radios have NEVER worked properly. First one was replaced but the second is worse. Even though the truck is under full warranty the stealerships will not repair/replace it. I'd recommend you don't purchase a Ram unless they give you an aftermarket radio.

The radio in our 18 quit working properly about a year ago and we replaced it with an aftermarket one after the stealership lined their pockets and informed me it was behind in updates but they were willing to update it for us for $200 an update. There were 2 in January alone. Connect will not let you download or purchase any updates from them.

Haven't had any issues with either of our Rams than the radios. The 18 has the 6.4 and the 22 has the V-6.
I have a 2019 Laramie with Level 2 and Advanced Safety Group, and other options, so pretty heavily loaded for a Laramie. I have 110K miles on it and the only issue so far were the leak at third brake light is and one of the exhaust headers cracked. Runs great, still on original brakes, burns no oil. I know I'm tempting fate, but I have not a single complaint. I recognize the likelihood of certain things happening shortly, like another exhaust header and probably some suspension stuff startign to wear out. But overall I could not be happier with this truck.

good luck in your search!
I have a 2020 BH and the only issue I have had is the leaking rear window, but the dealership replaced it quickly and without effort. I've added ACC, FCW, digital rearview mirror, surround view camera, and other items easily. I do think the exhaust is cracked, but I am not sure. I am just going to replace them with shorty headers anyway.
Dig into any brand and you will find problems. As you know, Toyotas are pretty reliable but pretty plain. Ram is a nice blend. It's one of the more reliable trucks in its class but with better finishes than Toyota.

I wouldn't worry about quality issues.
I was in the same boat, lifetime Ford truck and Honda/Toyota/BMW car guy. I always had a suspicious eye on Mopar quality coming in from the outside, looking at the forums didn't help, but then again, most forums are filled with people looking for fixes to issues, they aren't always representative of the general population.

That being said, I bought a brand new 2019 RAM Rebel. First year of the design no less. In the 4 years I've owned the truck, I've had ZERO issues in both mechanical and fit. In fact, it's honestly been the most trouble free new vehicle purchase I've made probably ever.
Mine has a cracked exhaust manifold with no parts available to fix it. I was told "we will call you when it comes in, could be 3 weeks, could be 3 months..."

Otherwise no problems. 2022 with 50,000 miles.
The interesting thing is, when you look at GM, they show their high quality numbers from JD Power, from almost 10 years ago. Every manufacturer has flaws. On forums you see just the flaws. Someone started a thread for people to post no problems a couple weeks ago, to show that not all have any flaws. I have owned Fords with no problems, but EVERY GM I've owned had multiple problems. I have never had any Rams or Dodges with more than a couple minor issues, like ABS sensors, go bad, and one truck, the plastic on the rear bumper warped. As you can see in my signature, I have ordered another.
I have an 2019 Laramie (12/14/18 Build Date) that has not given me any major problems.
Besides the recalls and the crappy service from my dealership,
the only problems i had was a loose sway bar and a faulty active air dam. Both were covered under warranty.
Its like anything else all brands have their issues but if you take care of it, it will take care of you.
With the insane price increases at Stellantis (48% in the last 4 or 5 years) they have priced themselves out of the market (for me). I'm going to drive this truck at least 7 years (as we do with all our vehicles), and as things stand now, will not get another Ram when the time comes to replace it.
Same. 2020 Laramie moderately optioned. Sticker was $55k built Aug 2020 and (last I checked two months ago) would be $68k. Insane. And now they have taken away fender flares. Can get a High Country for that.
Will try to make it easy:

Cars are no longer simple; a long ways from an 06 Tundra.
They all have their issues and quirks. Even the new Tundra.

And its a roll of the dice whether you end up with a lemon or a good one - though most are good ones.

Compounding that, your experience will be largely colored by the competency (or ineptness) of your servicing dealer, should you have issues.
Parts shortages, full schedules, under staffing...

Modern vehicle ownership can be a hot mess.

The above is true for all makes and models.

So drive a handful and pick the one you enjoy most. Sounds like you are a long-term owner, so that will be important.

Then, sadly, lower your expectations on reliability from that of your 06 Tundra, but raise them in favor of creature comforts and enjoyment. You'll be happoer with whatever you pick.
The pricing is ridiculous for other manufacturers also, but in comparison for only one year, my '21 Rebel had an MSRP of dollars shy of $60k. My local dealership had a similar '22 Rebel for $69k. A single model year having an upcharge of $9k. I think GM had a 5 year increase of 22% and Ford was similar to Stellantis with 43%, I think. I have seen discussions of manufacturers lowering their prices, so we'll see what happens.

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