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Funny Memes and Funny Pictures 2.0 - NO POLITICS Find the other thread

For some reason my wife did not think this one was funny as she looked over to see what I was laughing so hard about. She was muttering something about a pig. I don't understand her sometimes.
My wife actually cracked up when I sent it to her. Some woman at work got flowers last week, so it was fresh on her mind
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Funny thing, Detroit still looks like it did in that movie. They must have saved a bunch using a real set instead of making one. :D
Except RoboCop was filmed in Houston...

My bad. RoboCop 2 was filmed in Houston.
Nothing but opinion mongers. Wish they would just give me the facts of what happened, keep their opinion to themselves, and I'll make up my own mind , thank you very much.
Well I guess opinion monger is okay, but what the NYT, CNN et al really are is liberal advocacy groups, no different than the NRA or AOPA. Some people still think that they are news organizations but that is just naive.

It occurred to me recently that I am old enough to have lived some of this before. The Korean war was started by a Democrat and ended by a Republican who warned us of the military industrial complex. The Vietnam war was started by two Democratic presidents and ended by a Republican. RINO Republicans the Bushes started two middle eastern wars and now the Democrats are at it again starting wars in Ukraine and Somalia. These politicians make enormous amounts of kick backs from the military industrial complex, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin. Korea and Vietnam were identical to Ukraine, the big bad communists invading a wonderful little country, yeah right.

Screenshot 2022-05-13 075027.png

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