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OT USE OF DEADLY FORCE DISCUSSION - How to TRY and prevent our trucks from being stolen

Defending yourself isn't over the top.
Defending yourself, no. I agree with you it's not over the top.
But defending your things on the other hand (if we're talking lethal force) yes it's over the top. If we're talking defending your things by taking precautionary measures it's a matter of opinion and conditions what is over the top. What one may think is, another may not.
If you're in the truck and someone is trying to take it by force, then an argument can be made for your safety. You'd be defending yourself, not just a thing. But when it's parked in your driveway (as this thread started), and you're sitting in the house with a gun waiting to confront the thief (as someone implied), you're not defending yourself. You're defending property. Even in the courts eyes that doesn't escalate to a justifiable use of lethal force, and therefore is over the top.
you are intitled to your opinion

but when replaced it is NEVER the same!!!
I agree it won't be the same, and I never said it would be. But then again, my current truck isn't the same as my last one or the one before that. They've all been different in some way or another, yet I've been happy with each of them, so I'm not going to fool myself and say that my truck is irreplaceable. I like it, and when the time comes that I do get a new truck I want it to be on my terms, not because some low life took it. At the same time, I'm not going to make it a big production to start the truck every time in an attempt to prevent that either. A simple switch or visible deterrents seems sufficient. ← obviously just one person's opinion
I'm not saying I want to replace my truck or any property taken from it, and I don't think someone taking measures to prevent that is over the top (to an extent). However, people can go beyond what I think is reasonable. Obviously it's not unreasonable for them, and that's okay too. Like I said in my prior post, it's subjective. I don't shame or look down on anyone for doing extra if that's what they feel is necessary. That doesn't mean I can't watch in awe or amusement.
But when it's parked in your driveway (as this thread started), and you're sitting in the house with a gun waiting to confront the thief (as someone implied), you're not defending yourself. You're defending property. Even in the courts eyes that doesn't escalate to a justifiable use of lethal force, and therefore is over the top.
This isnt accurate.

If I'm in my house and I go out to investigate my truck alarm going off, my motion lights turning on, or whatever, I'm well within my rights to do that. If I'm confronted, I'm within my rights to defend myself, including with deadly force if necessary.
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Defending yourself isn't over the top.
Defending yourself is different than. Run ING out of your house with a gun and shooting someone breaking into your vehicle that was not a threat .
Defending yourself is different than. Run ING out of your house with a gun and shooting someone breaking into your vehicle that was not a threat .
Who here has said to do that?
I'm also curious exactly how someone coming onto my property in the middle of the night to commit a felony is "not a threat."
That's why you can't forget to put their fingerprints on the weapon you drop next to the body
Who here has said to do that?
The thread is about preventing you truck from being stolen. Not defending yourself from an attacker. Most car thieves aren't going to attack someone who comes out to investigate their vehicle being broken in to. They are going to run. Many have commented in this thread about using a gun to prevent theft. Which means they have intentions of shooting the person breaking in or trying to steal it.
The thread is about preventing you truck from being stolen. Not defending yourself from an attacker. Most car thieves aren't going to attack someone who comes out to investigate their vehicle being broken in to. They are going to run. Many have commented in this thread about using a gun to prevent theft. Which means they have intentions of shooting the person breaking in or trying to steal it.
There are millions of defensive uses of firearms every year where there isn't a single round fired.

"Using a gun to prevent theft" is not "run ING out of your house with a gun and shooting someone breaking into your vehicle that was not a threat."

In every state I'm familiar with, you're permitted to use nondeadly force to stop property theft, including the lawful display of a firearm.
There are millions of defensive uses of firearms every year where there isn't a single round fired.

"Using a gun to prevent theft" is not "run ING out of your house with a gun and shooting someone breaking into your vehicle that was not a threat."

In every state I'm familiar with, you're permitted to use nondeadly force to stop property theft, including the lawful display of a firearm.
If you decide to brandish a firearm, then at that point you have already decided you intend to use it. If not, then why have it?
If you decide to brandish a firearm, then at that point you have already decided you intend to use it. If not, then why have it?
Brandishing is a specific term. There's absolutely nothing that locks you into using a firearm just because you've drawn it and/or displayed it.

Why would you carry a firearm if you don't trust your decision-making abilities with it?
In every state I'm familiar with, you're permitted to use nondeadly force to stop property theft, including the lawful display of a firearm.
Tell that to the couple in Florida that has their weapons confiscated and destroyed for standing in their yard, in a gated community, as protestors, who didn't live there's marched through.
Tell that to the couple in Florida that has their weapons confiscated and destroyed for standing in their yard, in a gated community, as protestors, who didn't live there's marched through.
First, that wasn't in Florida. Second, they brandished firearms at people who weren't on their property, so I'd like to see you draw a parallel there.

Even if this was a useful point, they pleaded out to misdemeanor charges from an overzealous DA and were pardoned the next week. So...is your point that even that unrelated scenario was good?
The thread is about preventing you truck from being stolen. Not defending yourself from an attacker. Most car thieves aren't going to attack someone who comes out to investigate their vehicle being broken in to. They are going to run. Many have commented in this thread about using a gun to prevent theft. Which means they have intentions of shooting the person breaking in or trying to steal it.
I am gonna agree and disagree with you at the same time. As some one with 1st hand experience. Granted it was not a car thieve but to your points.
I confronted a trespasser about 5 years ago, he pulled his gun and I said I already called the police. He kept calm and left.
Maybe statistics will agree that most thieves aren't going to attack but you just never know, a person's limits or level of controlling their instincts, nerves and fears are different. Not to mentioned if said attacker is high or something. You really don't know until you are put in that situation.
Same argument can be said about people with guns and trying to defend their home, property and family in my opinion nobody really knows for sure if you will be able to control yourself. I don't think most people with guns will immediately go out with the intention of immediately shooting.
I think most have commented about using a gun as a deterrent but not to kill.
After my experience I believe having the gun would had put me in a better position, thinking I would be able to stay in control and not shoot, to mirror what the thieve did but in my favor.

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