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Vibration/buzzing noise


New Member
Jul 1, 2021
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I have a 2019 rebel no lift just leveled 33x12.5 wheels & tires. I get a buzzing noise under the dash on the drivers side while driving straight at highway speeds. If I turn the wheel a little in either direction the noise stops then starts up again when the steering wheel in straight. Anyone else experience this?
So my truck is at the dealer getting this looked at. They have had it for a week and they told me today that they think it might be a bad ac mixing door actuator. I asked if it is actuator why does the noise go away when the steering wheel moves….couldn’t answer. if Its the actuator it should go away if you turn off the ac/heat.
@FireHawk were you ever able to identify this noise? I have the same noise from time to time but have not been able to find where its coming from or what is causing it. Currently I do not have it but when I do it almost sounds like it is coming from behind the gauge cluster.
Having the same issue. Mines been going on for a while now and it started after a 2"x 2" piece of taped padding fell our from under my dash at my feet. I'm assuming that was stopping that vibration. Havent been able to figure out what it is still. Doesn't seem to effect anything other than my sanity.
Has anyone ever received a fix for this issue? It started about 10k miles ago and it's been getting pretty annoying.
I have a 2020 and notice a similar noise, however the roughness of the road/asphalt seem to be the driver. I believe I've zeroed the issue down to the emergency park release cable (lower driver side dash compartment) which somehow loses its tension and thus rattles, making the vibration noises.....at least this is my theory after exhausting all other scenarios 😅
Having the same issue. Mines been going on for a while now and it started after a 2"x 2" piece of taped padding fell our from under my dash at my feet. I'm assuming that was stopping that vibration. Havent been able to figure out what it is still. Doesn't seem to effect anything other than my sanity.
I have a 2019 rebel no lift just leveled 33x12.5 wheels & tires. I get a buzzing noise under the dash on the drivers side while driving straight at highway speeds. If I turn the wheel a little in either direction the noise stops then starts up again when the steering wheel in straight. Anyone else experience this?

I have the same issue, it’s so aggravating!

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Anyone have any updates, the noise is pretty regular now at 70mph. I took it to the dealer and they couldn’t find anything wrong. Looks to be coming from the steering wheel, maybe the clock spring like others have commented online.
Has anyone found the source of this vibration/buzzing noise? My 2021 Ram started doing this last year, appeared to go away during the winter but is back in full force again now. It is off and on and the roughness of the road appears to be a factor. It is driving me nuts!

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