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Active Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Had a strange occurrence this morning. As I arrived at work, a notification appeared on my screen about performing an update, asking if I wanted to update now or schedule later. I selected now, but then realized - I have to get into the office and start work, so I need to shut the truck off, AND - I'm deep inside an underground parking garage where there's no wifi signal, so HOW is this update being downloaded?
Hoping for the best, I shut the truck off and went to work. I came out to the truck about an hour later to check on it, and the update appears to have completed. It wiped out all of my radio presets. I haven't checked other settings yet. I'm wondering if it updated the navigation maps. THAT...would be nice!

Coincidentally, yesterday I had the 2nd instance (Since I bought the truck used in October) of the radio being on, but no audio coming out - no matter which source was selected. Happened about 2 months ago too. Each time, after shutting the truck off for a few minutes, it seems to resolve itself.
I would sure be nice if the update fixes that problem.
Had a strange occurrence this morning. As I arrived at work, a notification appeared on my screen about performing an update, asking if I wanted to update now or schedule later. I selected now, but then realized - I have to get into the office and start work, so I need to shut the truck off, AND - I'm deep inside an underground parking garage where there's no wifi signal, so HOW is this update being downloaded?
Hoping for the best, I shut the truck off and went to work. I came out to the truck about an hour later to check on it, and the update appears to have completed. It wiped out all of my radio presets. I haven't checked other settings yet. I'm wondering if it updated the navigation maps. THAT...would be nice!

Coincidentally, yesterday I had the 2nd instance (Since I bought the truck used in October) of the radio being on, but no audio coming out - no matter which source was selected. Happened about 2 months ago too. Each time, after shutting the truck off for a few minutes, it seems to resolve itself.
I would sure be nice if the update fixes that problem.
I believe presets would be the only thing updates ever erase.
As far as getting new maps, it would be cool but no. You don‘t get those OTA.
I believe presets would be the only thing updates ever erase.
As far as getting new maps, it would be cool but no. You don‘t get those OTA.
Yeah, I went to the UConnect Navigation site and put in my year and model and it says, "Our records indicate you have the most recent map update for your vehicle. Please check back soon for a map update product." How would they know that? I'm not logged in and did not input my VIN.

UConnect Nagivation Store
Had a strange occurrence this morning. As I arrived at work, a notification appeared on my screen about performing an update, asking if I wanted to update now or schedule later. I selected now, but then realized - I have to get into the office and start work, so I need to shut the truck off, AND - I'm deep inside an underground parking garage where there's no wifi signal, so HOW is this update being downloaded?
Hoping for the best, I shut the truck off and went to work. I came out to the truck about an hour later to check on it, and the update appears to have completed. It wiped out all of my radio presets. I haven't checked other settings yet. I'm wondering if it updated the navigation maps. THAT...would be nice!

Coincidentally, yesterday I had the 2nd instance (Since I bought the truck used in October) of the radio being on, but no audio coming out - no matter which source was selected. Happened about 2 months ago too. Each time, after shutting the truck off for a few minutes, it seems to resolve itself.
I would sure be nice if the update fixes that problem.

I got an update notification today when i got home. I didn't check the previous version but hit update now. Says 30 min right now to complete.
Update on the Update: Not only did my radio station presets get erased, but now Uconnect will not read my thumb drive (loaded with mp3 files). I've checked the thumb drive on my laptop, and all the files are still there, and they play fine. Doesn't seem like they were corrupted.
And, now when I plug my iPhone in, CarPlay will not activate.
Is this what I have to look forward to every time it updates? Seems like more trouble than it's worth.
Yeah, I went to the UConnect Navigation site and put in my year and model and it says, "Our records indicate you have the most recent map update for your vehicle. Please check back soon for a map update product." How would they know that? I'm not logged in and did not input my VIN.

UConnect Nagivation Store
Hmmm. Sorry to hear. I’ve been through 2 or 3 updates and never had an issue.
Wait about 45 min to an hour and start the truck again. Sometimes it takes a while for the unit to be fully done.
I called the Uconnect General Support number and opened a case. Waiting for a callback from a "Uconnect Technical Specialist".
Update on the "Update". It's been more than 24 hours since I was told by the Uconnect customer service rep that a Technical Specialist would contact me.
Guess who hasn't contacted me?
So, being a former customer service rep and knowing the new-orifice chewing I'd have received if I'd have left a customer hanging for 24 hours (or even an hour!), I called again. This time the customer service person said "there is an associate working on the case, but I have no further information." I inquired if there were others with the same issues following the update, and she confirmed there were, and that there was a team working on a solution, and they’d be calling me when they had one.

If I'm smart, I won't hold my breath.
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I've found a new after-effect of my Uconnect update. When I turn the radio off, it won't stay off - but turns back on after about 1 or 2 seconds of silence. This with the truck running, or not running in ACC or Run. If I turn the truck off, and then turn the radio off, it will stay off.

Still no word back from Uconnect.
It's now been 4 days since Uconnect customer service told me I would be hearing from a technical specialist. It's becoming clear to me now that that's merely a line to placate me for the moment and get me off the phone. I feel it's time to get the dealer involved, even though I'm betting they can't solve it.
The truck has 45,000 miles on it. Since the 36,000 Basic Limited Warranty has expired, is the expense incurred for having the dealer work on it going to fall on me? If so, that doesn't seem fair at all. I didn't mess with the truck's electronics - Uconnect did! I'm getting a very baaaad feeling about this. This is a $50,000 + truck. It shouldn't be losing functionality because of a manufacturer screw-up.
It just keeps getting better. I've attempted to call Uconnect support several times this morning. Most attempts met with silence. Not even ringing. Except for one, where I got a voice message that said - "Your call cannot be completed at this time. Try again later".
I'm starting to think their phone system is a Uconnect product.
I was finally able to get through to Unconnect. Today's customer service person told me it takes 3 to 5 business days for a tech specialist to return a call. Terrific. She said I'd get a call by Wednesday. We'll see.
I asked if it was possible to send a re-update. She explained that a dealer has to do the re-flash, as they can't do it from "here". Don't know why not. The update came from there, didn't it?
I asked if I was going to be responsible for any dealer charges to fix this. She declined to answer.
I'm going to need to order a new pair of track shoes. Mine are getting worn out from this runaround.
Had a strange occurrence this morning. As I arrived at work, a notification appeared on my screen about performing an update, asking if I wanted to update now or schedule later. I selected now, but then realized - I have to get into the office and start work, so I need to shut the truck off, AND - I'm deep inside an underground parking garage where there's no wifi signal, so HOW is this update being downloaded?
Hoping for the best, I shut the truck off and went to work. I came out to the truck about an hour later to check on it, and the update appears to have completed. It wiped out all of my radio presets. I haven't checked other settings yet. I'm wondering if it updated the navigation maps. THAT...would be nice!

Coincidentally, yesterday I had the 2nd instance (Since I bought the truck used in October) of the radio being on, but no audio coming out - no matter which source was selected. Happened about 2 months ago too. Each time, after shutting the truck off for a few minutes, it seems to resolve itself.
I would sure be nice if the update fixes that problem.
I pretty much had the same happen to my truck after the update. Wiped my Sirius satellite presets and had no sound. Sound returned after turning the radio off and back on. I have no idea what the update actually addressed but my update message actually stated that maps would not be updated.
I got the update message today.

I was wary, but it wouldn't let me see the other screens until I scheduled it. I shrewdly wrote down all the Sirius presets.

I gave it a couple hours then went and started the truck and turned on the head. First I got the screen telling me it was updated but not the NAV maps. I could see that I lost all my presets so I started reprogramming them. Guess what? Silence. Silence on Sirius, silence on AM, silence on FM. No CDs in the truck and I left my new USB stick in the house, so I can't say iof they were dead or not.

I checked some other stuff. NAV placed me correctly. Weathermap loaded. Gas prices showed up.

Shut off radio, then on again and suddenly it works.

Tried backup camera. It looks sharper. The bad news is, it didn't turn itself off after 5 seconds. However, putting the truck in Reverse then back in park fixed that. I'm not sure if I've ever turned the camera on manually while in Park before, so I can't say if this is new behavior or not.

My hope is that it is like when I install an update to my antivirus software and have to reboot the computer. It takes a long, long time for the program to open. Perhaps a few minutes with key on will get everything happy.

I did remember to lower the volume on the dominatrix in the NAV. We shall see if she resumes shouting commands at me or if she will speak nicely.

I will update if I have anything to report.

Wednesday 3/3 Update.
The rear view camera does shut off after aboout 20 seconds. which I think is longer than before. The NAV dominatrix reverted back to her outdor voice. CD player and USB inputs work.
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I got the update as well, first update since I bought it 2 1/2 years ago. The FM presets got messed up but the XM one's are still intact.
I did remember to lower the volume on the dominatrix in the NAV. We shall see if she resumes shouting commands at me or if she will speak nicely.

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