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Are you using your E-Locker?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2019
Reaction score
Western PA
After owning my truck for a year or so, I've had the opportunity to get into a decent amount of off road scenarios. None have been in deep mud or snow, but a few have been fairly challenging situations. I am not finding myself ever using my E-Locker. Anyone out there consistently using your E-Locker? What situations ( besides burnouts ;)) do you find it helpful?
I've used it 2x but have only had my truck for 2 months. One of my fishing spots has very steep rutted out grade to get in and out of. I use it there and have been extremely impressed.
I've used it 2x but have only had my truck for 2 months. One of my fishing spots has very steep rutted out grade to get in and out of. I use it there and have been extremely impressed.

so did you just use your E-Locker or did you use 4wd as well?
I’ve had mine since 2018 and have only used it the one time in N.C coming out of a deep rut.
Other than to test it to see that it works, no. But it came with the Off-Road Group, and it's nice to know it'll be there if/when I need it ;)
I use my almost daily, although for a very short time. I have a steep gravel driveway and to avoid tearing it up I have to use either 4wd or the locker. I typically pick the locker.
All right, I will admit it. Over 4000 miles now. I stopped the other night with my kids in the truck. Stopped on a quiet and damp country road in the early evening. Turned on the e-locker, pressed the pedal to the floor and and proceeded to create a lot of smoke and noise. I giggled for miles after it. Of course this was 100% accidental........I had a severe right leg cramp which forced my foot to be rigid and press it to the floor.......... But when the manufacturer posts videos like this.....

All the time off road and many times when want to get off the line quick on pavement after the launch it just shuts off and I just push the button to cancel it re engaging.
Other than to test it to see that it works, no. But it came with the Off-Road Group, and it's nice to know it'll be there if/when I need it ;)
Wish I had an E-locker :cry: I don't even know if I have the anti spin differential...lol
So far, have only used it to play around or keep from spinning as much taking off from stop lights because I like getting up to the speed limit quickly.
I’ve used mine with 4x4 in some really deep sand on Padre. Worked great. And that was 4x4 high. and it some deep mud I “found” and just had to try. Both times, worked great
Only had my truck a couple months so I haven’t used it. Personally I would rather have the anti-slip rear because you don’t need to turn it on. My only need is in the winter going on the lakes for ice fishing and I usually just put it in 4WD auto for that. Not sure I’ll ever use the e-locker.
I use mine regularly. I wanted the e-locker over the anti-spin because the e-locker doesn't need resistance on the slipping wheel to drive the other.

It's gravely where I work and to leave I have a hill that I have to stop/start on and the e-locker helps with that.

I also use it at some stop lights with poorly maintained roads (patches, chunks missing) for the initial take-off so that I'm not spinning my one wheel as I try to accelerate.
Your really missing out on the best option for these trucks ever offered if you don’t have the locker.
Your really missing out on the best option for these trucks ever offered if you don’t have the locker.

Not really. Between 4x4 hi/low/auto and traction control, you probably don't need more than an open diff for 99% of usage. I can see it being useful for Rebel trims.

I live in very snowy/slushy/slippery winters. They're not excessively cold, just very greasy as we hover up and down past freezing. Last winter I never felt my limited slip connect once. Either it was just very seemless or traction control works as intented and mitigates the need for most scenarios where diff would come in handy. And 4x4 auto is just incredible, ripping through snow or pulling a boat up a ramp or backing a trailer up a wet hill etc.

Like I said, I doubt mine has ever activated.

4x4 auto is the real deal though.
E Locker is nice for offroading but I like my limited slip for on road traction.
Each to there own but Im always amazed at all the trucks in the ditch in winter who’s rear end came out from under them and they couldn’t save it kinda a limited slip thing.
Each to there own but Im always amazed at all the trucks in the ditch in winter who’s rear end came out from under them and they couldn’t save it kinda a limited slip thing.
That's usually more the wrong tires, or worn tires and poor judgment. You DO NOT want to use a locking diff on a road for any driving purpose other than getting moving or unstuck. It will destroy your tires. The easiest way to stay out of a ditch is to not be on the road when conditions deteriorate. Barring that, preparation with proper good tires and knowing when to get your foot off the gas, such as in turns or aggressive acceleration on slick roads. Especially with a 2wd truck. Even in 4WD Auto or Hi it will still slide in poor conditions if you put it in the wrong situation.

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