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So I just got back from a road trip

Z mann R2

Active Member
Mar 16, 2020
Reaction score
......in our 2018 Escalade with the 6.2L/10-speed and averaged 21.3 mpg fully loaded down doing 80 mph......

My rebel gets 14 mpg doing 65.....in a vehicle that weighs less and has 25 fewer ponies under the hood. Anyone else have a bit of buyers remorse due to the horrendous mpg??
......in our 2018 Escalade with the 6.2L/10-speed and averaged 21.3 fully loaded down doing 80 mph......

My rebel gets 14 mpg doing 65.....in a vehicle that weighs less and has 25 fewer ponies under the hood. Anyone else have a bit of buyers remorse due to the horrendous mpg??
Not at all, bought the truck knowing I would get way less mileage but I was also coming from a small SUV. A couple things that have helped for me is i completely removed the air dam, as well as turning off mds everytime im in the truck. Just hit the gear limit negative button as soon as you get in that deactivates the system then hit the gear limit plus up to 8. It will still shift through all gears but will keep it in V8 instead of constantly switching which tears through the gas. By doing those I get 18mpg and all my driving is highway. Not a huge difference but definitely better.

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I really thought hard about the AT4 with the 6.2 but that interior is just bleh!!!
......in our 2018 Escalade with the 6.2L/10-speed and averaged 21.3 mpg fully loaded down doing 80 mph......

My rebel gets 14 mpg doing 65.....in a vehicle that weighs less and has 25 fewer ponies under the hood. Anyone else have a bit of buyers remorse due to the horrendous mpg??
You Escalade have off road tires? Is the gearing the same? What about the aerodynamic profile? Apples to oranges.
You Escalade have off road tires? Is the gearing the same? What about the aerodynamic profile? Apples to oranges.

Look up the real world tests of the new Silverado’s that come with the 6.2......this is straight up embarrassing what we’re dealing with in our Rams
No, but probably because I didn't buy my truck for mpg.

That said, I got in the 17s when driving from CA to AZ and back in over 113* heat and with little regard for the skinny pedal.. enjoyed the drive and still decent mileage.

FWIW before I did that trip I did a cost per mile calculation of taking our MDX versus the truck Andover the entire Drive, the cost difference was like 50 bucks in fuel, figured I would enjoy the truck more, which we absolutely did.

You will find a bunch of threads that talk about MPG not reading accurate per hand calculations, so it would be important for you to hand calculate a couple of tanks to see true MPG.

also I wouldn't doubt that the Escalade is getting better mileage based on final gear ratio in the 10th speed, but one would have to look it up based on the gearing of your truck as well
We’re the hand calculations better?
In my case yes, I use the app aCar to track the mileage on all my vehicles because it also has maintenance reminders, but it's well known that perceived mileage on the dash isn't always close to real numbers.

In fact I would wonder if hand calculated mileage on your Escalade is even correct, especially if the wheel diameter isn't OEM (just guessing, not stating), but generally speaking, MPG on digital dashes aren't super accurate.
My truck regularly gets 17 to 17.5 mpg for my weekly commute which is just okay. With my 33 gallon tank I can get almost 575 miles out of 1 fill up. I cant complain about that. But I have gotten upwards of 23-24 mpg on long trips with just highway driving. I also have heavy E rated tires and don't expect this thing to get great MPG.
I just took a 4.5 hour drive there and an 4.5 back this weekend and got 20.5 for the trip rolling 75 to 80 most of the time also had to get down on it a few times. Normal weekly commuting tends to be around the 17.5 to 18.3 depends on how long it takes to scoop up the kids from daycare.
regrets?..only one is wish I bought mine sooner. Gas is like $1.89 p/g around my parts. I laugh in the face of OPEC....ha ha ha ha ....
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I usually get 21-22 all highway. I know the 6.2 gets decent mileage for what it is but GM also recommends you buy the expensive premium gas.
You completely ignored my point. I highly recommend selling the Rebel and buying a Prius.
Lol kiss my *** bro. I’m simply stating compared to the GM’s 6.2 and 10-speed this is utter garbage

It’s 2020. No way in hell should a next gen truck have 13mpg

Anyways my main regret is possibly not grabbing the 6.2 Trail Boss. But then again that interior just simply wouldn’t do for me.
Luckily this isn’t my road trip vehicle.
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My work has me working from home as much as I can, so I been doing mostly city type driving, getting 16 mpg, If I start getting highway more, I creep up to 18. I bet I could get to 20 on a long trip
I have no regrets about buying a hemi powered 1500. I'm not really concerned with fuel economy with my truck. I knew going in approximately what kind of mileage I would get. I use my Audi if I am going on a road trip and I'm concerned about how much gas I will be using.

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