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Just swapped out my dash speakers for Infinity Reference REF-3032cfx....WOO_HOO!!


Ram Guru
Feb 29, 2020
Reaction score
saw a few threads on this, so I went for it. I have the Alpine system in my 19 LTD...pretty happy with it stock, but WOW...the clarity now is awesome. Highly recommend. Easy job. Posted my step by step photos. If you can change a light bulb, you can do this.IMG_20200307_140912045.jpgIMG_20200307_140944637_HDR.jpgIMG_20200307_141107699_HDR.jpgIMG_20200307_141222634.jpgIMG_20200307_141352516.jpgIMG_20200307_142117519.jpgIMG_20200307_142117519.jpgIMG_20200307_142435129.jpgIMG_20200307_143454120.jpg
Where did you order the speakers from?
saw a few threads on this, so I went for it. I have the Alpine system in my 19 LTD...pretty happy with it stock, but WOW...the clarity now is awesome. Highly recommend. Easy job. Posted my step by step photos. If you can change a light bulb, you can do this.View attachment 48937View attachment 48939View attachment 48940View attachment 48941View attachment 48942View attachment 48946View attachment 48947View attachment 48948View attachment 48949
did you buy 2 sets for the center channel also? Im looking for an someones extra to fill in my center channel...
Now you've done it. After the center speaker you'll think the front door speakers need replaced, then the rear door speakers...etc. It's like opening a bag of chips, once you start you have to continue until the bag is gone LOL. I went through that on my last truck. Definitely improved the sound though.
Now you've done it. After the center speaker you'll think the front door speakers need replaced, then the rear door speakers...etc. It's like opening a bag of chips, once you start you have to continue until the bag is gone LOL. I went through that on my last truck. Definitely improved the sound though.
...I know what you mean..I have a "Pedal Commander" arriving tomorrow...had this truck 2 weeks and can't leave it alone!
...I know what you mean..I have a "Pedal Commander" arriving tomorrow...had this truck 2 weeks and can't leave it alone!
You're really gonna like the PC. Really wakes the truck up. Although it doesn't add any power it sure feels like it does.
I'm still laying back on audio upgrades.

I have around $5K worth of Focal & Moscone I pulled out of my last truck. To get the system where I WOULD WANT IT - would cost me all my rear underseat storage, another $1K in hardware, and around $1,500 in install and fabrication.

While I KNOW FOR CERTAIN how much better the upgrade will sound - I don't know that I will be $2.5K, losing my interior storage, and tearing my pretty interior apart to get there.

So my stuff sits on a shelf in my garage. Probably better off getting it on E-Bay to pay for other mods I want (Mopar CAT Back, Mopar CAI, New (unlocked) ECU & tune from DiabloSport).

I "might go" the less expensive option to start - and do the Infinity upgrades. I used Infinity in all my car builds - did JL 2 cars ago - and Focal/Moscone on the last one. In all honestly - the Infinity stuff was probably the most "musical sounding" for the $$ (the Focal stuff still being the cat's meow at 10X the price point)...

saw a few threads on this, so I went for it. I have the Alpine system in my 19 LTD...pretty happy with it stock, but WOW...the clarity now is awesome. Highly recommend. Easy job. Posted my step by step photos. If you can change a light bulb, you can do this.View attachment 48937View attachment 48939View attachment 48940View attachment 48941View attachment 48942View attachment 48946View attachment 48947View attachment 48948View attachment 48949
Nice post - did the speaker connection adapters COME WITH the speakers, or did you have to chop & crimp the factory ones (HATE chopping the factory stuff)?

...I know what you mean..I have a "Pedal Commander" arriving tomorrow...had this truck 2 weeks and can't leave it alone!
I put in a pedal commander last week. Twice I have thrown cel and truck went in limp mode. Just a heads up
You're really gonna like the PC. Really wakes the truck up. Although it doesn't add any power it sure feels like it does.
ya, I'm and old gear head, and know that you have to do more than add this thing for HP gains...but I am convinced that the PC will result in a little fun after reading all the posts here from those that did one....
Nice post - did the speaker connection adapters COME WITH the speakers, or did you have to chop & crimp the factory ones (HATE chopping the factory stuff)?

the adapters are separate, but only like $12.00...Crutchfield sent me and extra set, no charge. I might wind up doing the center speaker so I will already have the adapter now. These are plug & play, no cutting, splicing, soldering....and there were NO capacitors with the kit, as some here have talked about. Don't believe you need them with dash speakers. Sound is wonderful now. Do IT! lol
I put in a pedal commander last week. Twice I have thrown cel and truck went in limp mode. Just a heads up
noooooooo!! don't tell me that! I have an OBD II scan tool, if I see codes they will be cleared, and that PC is coming right thanks for the heads up.out.
noooooooo!! don't tell me that! I have an OBD II scan tool, if I see codes they will be cleared, and that PC is coming right thanks for the heads up.out.

Check the connectors on the PEDAL COMMANDER BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT.

Mine had a "crushed pin" on the connector that goes to the pedal. It pushed the pedal pin in (thought it broke it) and I went to a stealership and got robbed for a new pedal (on a Saturday). You can plug the connectors on the PC INTO EACH OTHER to check and make sure they're OK - BEFORE you install. I probably could have pulled the pin OUT of the pedal (and did, after the fact - so I have a spare pedal now).

I threw a code when SWITCHING MODES WHILE DRIVING (foot on pedal). STOP and have your foot OFF the pedal before changing modes and it should be OK. Hasn't happened since. I run in City+3.

I had to bring the truck in for a dead battery (air suspension run-on issue) and took out my mods (PC & Tazer) - took all of TWO MINUTES FOR BOTH. But driving without the PC was "disappointing", once you're used to it.

Now - not to freak anyone out here. But I was at a slingshot event in Sarasota over the weekend. The guys from JMS PedalMax were there. I asked them why they didn't have bluetooth remote config for their product. They told me there was a potential for the pedal to FREAK OUT when exposed to RFI. Told me they were at an ATV event where PC was demo'ing their product, and he keyed up an off-road walkie next to the demo table, and the thing freaked out.

Haven't heard of this happening in any of the communities that are using PC's - so the guy could be FOS. But I've seen some weird RFI interaction between my alarm system and garage door opener in my slingshot (like the GD just not working, or the alarm arm/disarm triggering the garage door. The guys at scorpio swear their stuff is nowhere near door opener frequencies, and they are both "roaming code" systems - so the alarm isn't opening the door, but the RFI from it may be triggering the door opener as it's in close prox to the module).

Check the connectors on the PEDAL COMMANDER BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT.

Mine had a "crushed pin" on the connector that goes to the pedal. It pushed the pedal pin in (thought it broke it) and I went to a stealership and got robbed for a new pedal (on a Saturday). You can plug the connectors on the PC INTO EACH OTHER to check and make sure they're OK - BEFORE you install. I probably could have pulled the pin OUT of the pedal (and did, after the fact - so I have a spare pedal now).

I threw a code when SWITCHING MODES WHILE DRIVING (foot on pedal). STOP and have your foot OFF the pedal before changing modes and it should be OK. Hasn't happened since. I run in City+3.

I had to bring the truck in for a dead battery (air suspension run-on issue) and took out my mods (PC & Tazer) - took all of TWO MINUTES FOR BOTH. But driving without the PC was "disappointing", once you're used to it.

Now - not to freak anyone out here. But I was at a slingshot event in Sarasota over the weekend. The guys from JMS PedalMax were there. I asked them why they didn't have bluetooth remote config for their product. They told me there was a potential for the pedal to FREAK OUT when exposed to RFI. Told me they were at an ATV event where PC was demo'ing their product, and he keyed up an off-road walkie next to the demo table, and the thing freaked out.

Haven't heard of this happening in any of the communities that are using PC's - so the guy could be FOS. But I've seen some weird RFI interaction between my alarm system and garage door opener in my slingshot (like the GD just not working, or the alarm arm/disarm triggering the garage door. The guys at scorpio swear their stuff is nowhere near door opener frequencies, and they are both "roaming code" systems - so the alarm isn't opening the door, but the RFI from it may be triggering the door opener as it's in close prox to the module).

wow...thanks Rick, don't plan on switching modes on the fly. Around town it'll be in Sport...on trips Eco.
Buzzed ordered these last night after reading this thread, come with harness adapter, so plug and play. So cheap figured WTF. I like little simple projects; especially after putting a full, back breaking day today replacing rear shocks on one of my others cars.

Are there any cheap/easy options to boost volume on base speakers? Max volume on these systems is definitely not very loud. Windows down driving is going to be week.
saw a few threads on this, so I went for it. I have the Alpine system in my 19 LTD...pretty happy with it stock, but WOW...the clarity now is awesome. Highly recommend. Easy job. Posted my step by step photos. If you can change a light bulb, you can do this
You've got a limited without the Hk system? Dang... That must be a unicorn or you special ordered huh. I didn't want to waste the money on that system and just upgrade the alpine where needed, but have yet to see a limited without the Hk
You've got a limited without the Hk system? Dang... That must be a unicorn or you special ordered huh. I didn't want to waste the money on that system and just upgrade the alpine where needed, but have yet to see a limited without the Hk
Never realized that. Honestly I'm just fine with the Alpine system. Sure is the nicest factory system I ever had in a vehicle. Now it's just a little bit better!
You've got a limited without the Hk system? Dang... That must be a unicorn or you special ordered huh. I didn't want to waste the money on that system and just upgrade the alpine where needed, but have yet to see a limited without the Hk

My limited has the alpine system as well...

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