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No parking lot is safe!


Active Member
Aug 1, 2018
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Let my son take my truck to a college basketball game last night. He took all the preventative measures I tell him about parking far away from others and it still got hit by the Head Football coach of the college. Luckily the guy called the police and filed a report. My son walked out unknowingly to the police walking around my truck! I swear this is why I stay home! 93EA7355-0FA1-40F7-BC3F-0F476D2FE1DD.jpeg
Jeez! Sorry this happened. Fortunately it won't be on your dome but its tough for people that care about their vehicles or have OCD. I do. REALLY BAD as a matter of fact. Keep us updated on how the repair comes out.
Definitely unfortunate!!!

Positive thing is your son is ok and was not his fault as he followed all responsible guidelines...that is a plus!!!

No injuries, while it definitely sucks about your baby/truck....repairable.... You may already know this but make sure to ask(talk to your agent) about "diminished value claim" the loss/reduction of your vehicle now being involved in accident can lower your resale value...something to look into.

Stand up guy/gal (the coach), honest, and reporting the accident versus hit and run, or son trying to prove it was not his fault, or trying to find video footage of actual accident etc...!!!

Sometimes staying home to avoid things/life events outside the house may seem to be safer but things can unfortunately happen at home too. Gotta still enjoy life outside the house too... I too went through that concept of staying home.

Hope everything works out for you!!!!
Absolutely terrible

Sorry to see this. I look forward to seeing the final product and all washed up and waxed better than new

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Well it looks like it's just the one door. I can speak from experience, I actually did the same thing to my wife's brand new 5 day old Audi which was parked in the driveway in an unexpected place. To say I was really pissed after I did it would be a total understatement. But just like you it was only a single door and the body shop did a super job (replaced the door), so much so it's five years later and I still can't tell which side I hit. I'm sure your pretty mad now but it will be fine.
Let my son take my truck to a college basketball game last night. He took all the preventative measures I tell him about parking far away from others and it still got hit by the Head Football coach of the college. Luckily the guy called the police and filed a report. My son walked out unknowingly to the police walking around my truck! I swear this is why I stay home! View attachment 17005
I feel for you. It happened to me at exactly one month after I took delivery - not anywhere near as bad as yours though. Someone shoved a shopping cart handle into my front left fender.

I was able to have Lancaster Dent Removal fix it by20181125_074303.jpg20181125_094449.jpg20181223_151328.jpg paintless dent removal. He did such a good job, you can't even tell. I was dreading a body shop repair. They'd never be able to perfectly match Ivory Tri Coat.
I've been hit twice now on the same jobsite in the last week, wasn't going to post it, too depressing... front bumper (passenger side) and tailgate. Both hit and run. You're lucky you have closure and your son isn't to blame.

I get to sit up at night planning my revenge if I ever find out which gutless A-holes hit my Rebel. (not really... but they will pay my deductible if I find them)
I opened my door up and the wind took it into my wife's Pacifica. Took it to work traded it in and got a new one added wheels tires and a lift. Now I feel better and solved the issue.
Darn the luck, no matter how careful sometimes it still happens. Hats off and respect to the coach who hit the truck for doing the right thing. Need more people like that out there. Helps to ease the situation, relatively speaking, and sure is better than a hit and run.
Thanks everyone. I know it could’ve been way worse and my son could’ve been hurt, (he was not looking forward to facing me and let my wife know first, Lol) so I’m definitely thankful for that. It’s just frustrating that no matter how hard you try to keep your property safe, things are still gonna happen. I have one of the worse cases of OCD when it comes to our vehicles, ( I wax my zero turn) so any type of damage just flairs that up. I know the truck will be fixed and it’ll be fine so i just need to “learn to relax”as my wife says.
Thanks everyone. I know it could’ve been way worse and my son could’ve been hurt, (he was not looking forward to facing me and let my wife know first, Lol) so I’m definitely thankful for that. It’s just frustrating that no matter how hard you try to keep your property safe, things are still gonna happen. I have one of the worse cases of OCD when it comes to our vehicles, ( I wax my zero turn) so any type of damage just flairs that up. I know the truck will be fixed and it’ll be fine so i just need to “learn to relax”as my wife says.
I feel for you. I am insanely OCD too. Any little defect makes me nuts. I actually clean my mats every time I am finished using my vehicles. Even though it's so tough to relax when something like a ding or scratch or any kind of damage happens keep in mind it will get fixed and will be fine. Good luck with it.
I feel for you. I am insanely OCD too. Any little defect makes me nuts. I actually clean my mats every time I am finished using my vehicles. Even though it's so tough to relax when something like a ding or scratch or any kind of damage happens keep in mind it will get fixed and will be fine. Good luck with it.

Same here, I keep towels down over the rubber mats and shake/clean them about every time I exit the truck.
Bought the wife a new Ford Edge last year, two weeks after purchase some lady parked way out at the edge of the lot beside her, threw the door open and BANG! Dent and scratch right over the rear wheel well. Had to go to body shop for a week, got it back and a week later about the same think only this time on the front door by the mirror. Drives me insane for thing not to be perfect. So pretty much makes me insane 100% of the time!! LOL
Same here, I keep towels down over the rubber mats and shake/clean them about every time I exit the truck.
Bought the wife a new Ford Edge last year, two weeks after purchase some lady parked way out at the edge of the lot beside her, threw the door open and BANG! Dent and scratch right over the rear wheel well. Had to go to body shop for a week, got it back and a week later about the same think only this time on the front door by the mirror. Drives me insane for thing not to be perfect. So pretty much makes me insane 100% of the time!! LOL
Most people just don't care..When I'm in a tight parking spot, I always hold my hand over the edge of the door, so it won't strike another vehicle.

When I got the shopping cart dent in my 1 month old truck, I was parked way at the end of the lot all by myself. Still someone managed to send a shopping cart handle into my fender. They just don't care.....
I agree, a LOT of people simply don't care.. However, accidents do happen. The worst is when someone smashes into your vehicle, or opens their door into your vehicle, and just leaves without taking responsibility. That's what aggravates me to no end..I had a guy open his door into my vehicle one time while I was sitting in it, and he looked me right in the eye and just closed his door and started walking away like nothing ever happened. I was furious. I went off on him!
Let my son take my truck to a college basketball game last night. He took all the preventative measures I tell him about parking far away from others and it still got hit by the Head Football coach of the college. Luckily the guy called the police and filed a report. My son walked out unknowingly to the police walking around my truck! I swear this is why I stay home! View attachment 17005
What a bummer!
I've been hit twice now on the same jobsite in the last week, wasn't going to post it, too depressing... front bumper (passenger side) and tailgate. Both hit and run. You're lucky you have closure and your son isn't to blame.

I get to sit up at night planning my revenge if I ever find out which gutless A-holes hit my Rebel. (not really... but they will pay my deductible if I find them)

I had someone do the same thing to my front bumper, Baseball sized dent and bent the passenger side of the bumper down. 453 dollars for a new bumper, took about 5 hours to remove the bumper and switch over all the plastics/lights and brackets and reinstall. its unreal the amount of fasteners that are behind there. Bumper comes off in about 10 minutes all the time involved is making sure not break any of the little plastic tabs that hold everything on there.
Same here, I keep towels down over the rubber mats and shake/clean them about every time I exit the truck.
Bought the wife a new Ford Edge last year, two weeks after purchase some lady parked way out at the edge of the lot beside her, threw the door open and BANG! Dent and scratch right over the rear wheel well. Had to go to body shop for a week, got it back and a week later about the same think only this time on the front door by the mirror. Drives me insane for thing not to be perfect. So pretty much makes me insane 100% of the time!! LOL
One thing I love about this forum is that I can show my wife evidence that others are as OCD about their vehicles as i am. Good to know I'm not alone!

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