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tow/haul mode


New Member
Feb 11, 2021
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what does tow/haul mode do, other than change shift points?
It holds the shifts longer while accelerating, while taking longer to get to 8th gear. It will also down shift to a lower gear quicker than normal.

However, the big difference is when slowing down, it will downshift with the slightest brake application. It will then downshift again, should you press the brakes even harder. It will not shift up until you press the accelerator again, even while coasting at speed, it will hold that lower gear until you press on the gas pedal again.

I switch over to tow/haul on windy canyon roads and also slowing down on a big hill, even when not actually towing.
Tow/Haul mode makes your truck sound more impressive when taking off from a stoplight without a trailer! It revs higher due to the higher shift points.

All fun aside, one important note about the downshifting for those of us that tow snowmobiles on snowy/ice roads. The manual correctly points out to NOT use tow/haul mode on snowy/icy roads because the downshift during breaking can cause the truck's rear-end to slide out -- essentially a jack knifing situation. Be careful out there!
MDS engages when im in tow/haul. i dont think enabling it will actually disable MDS
Does anybody know whether it affects transmission oil pressure etc? Does it firm up and quicken the shifts? I haven't noticed anything but just wondering if they worked that in too.
Does anybody know whether it affects transmission oil pressure etc? Does it firm up and quicken the shifts? I haven't noticed anything but just wondering if they worked that in too.

Not that I've noticed. It only seems to effect the shift points going up, and when it downshifts going down & how long it holds it in lower gear. Speed and firmness seems the same.

The "sport" mode in my F150 actually adjusted the throttle rate along with transmission shift points, a feature I wished RAM had.
Yes it would be nice to have a sport mode. The pedal monster I just purchased helps with that!

I'm thinking more for towing though, it might be better for the transmission to have firmer/faster shifts with TH engaged, less strain on the clutches etc.
MDS engages when im in tow/haul. i dont think enabling it will actually disable MDS

Can you take a video as proof? I can too if you're interested, but in my truck I can flip the TH on/off 20 times in a row while holding gas/speed steady and each time TH coming on instantly deactives MDS. There are many users reporting that TH disengages MDS, so if your truck works differently...
i'll give it a shot, when the roads aren't iced over. i dont know that i have a mic sensitive enough to be able to pick up MDS in an audible way. the ECO light is not an indication of MDS engaging, so that's not really a good way of telling. I'll see what i can do.

edit: i did some digging, my 2017 ram did not disable MDS with tow haul for sure. i'll test it out in my 5th gen, another post i found had a user making the same mistake i am. i recall it not locking out MDS when i last towed, but i could be wrong.
i'll give it a shot, when the roads aren't iced over. i dont know that i have a mic sensitive enough to be able to pick up MDS in an audible way. the ECO light is not an indication of MDS engaging, so that's not really a good way of telling. I'll see what i can do.

ok, no rush of course. However the ECO light is directly tied to MDS in these 5th gens, so maybe that's where the confusion is coming from as well. In my truck it's so obvious, because the light comes on and I feel a jerk and I hear the exhaust change; 3 signs that all occur simultaneously. When MDS disengages, another tug, light goes off, and exhaust goes back to normal.

I will try and get a video as well. Very curious.
ok, no rush of course. However the ECO light is directly tied to MDS in these 5th gens, so maybe that's where the confusion is coming from as well. In my truck it's so obvious, because the light comes on and I feel a jerk and I hear the exhaust change; 3 signs that all occur simultaneously. When MDS disengages, another tug, light goes off, and exhaust goes back to normal.

I will try and get a video as well. Very curious.
i added an edit, but it seems like 5th gen behavior differs from late 4th gen behavior. my 2017 eco light was 100% not an indication of MDS, and tow/haul did not disable it. only way to disable MDS in my last truck was shifting to 8. i'll pay attention to all of this in my 5th gen but it seems like the behavior is much different from gen to gen
In the 5th Gen Tow/Haul doesn't disable the MDS.
Selecting a gear limit does.
In the 5th Gen Tow/Haul doesn't disable the MDS.
Selecting a gear limit does.

It does on my 2019. The moment tow haul mode is activated, MDS shuts off. I have never, in the two years I've owned my truck, been able to get MDS to turn on while Tow / Haul mode is active. Quite a few posters here have similar experiences.

I can only assume they changed the programming on later years if you are able to make MDS operate in T/H mode.
My 2020 Bighorn doesn't go into MDS with tow/haul mode on,nor by shifting to 8th

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