Took truck in for oil change and asked them to see if they thought there was an exhaust leak(s) due to noise I was hearing, seeming louder at different times but always present. When I picked the truck up was told definitely exhaust leak(s) & needed to schedule another appointment so they could look at it further.. Dropped truck off for next appointment to address apparent exhaust leak, they had it the entire day & called to tell me no leaks found, all tech.'s looked at it & it "sounds like a HEMI". Could not get a good answer on why the first time I was told there "defintiely" was an exhaust leak(s). I let them know I had the non etorq HEMI in my Grand Cherokee & it did not sound this way & just got a shoulder shrug out of them. Was wanting to post here & get any opinions based off video.. its hard to tell but its louder at different times & hard to pinpoint exactly where its coming from.. fuel mileage has been terrible & was hoping theyd find/ repair exhaust leaks & that help cure mpg issue too. Any thoughts, advice, comments would be greatly appreciated. Pickup has 24k miles