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Parking Sensor Brake


Active Member
Sep 23, 2018
Reaction score
So gents I had a nasty shock today. Was backing into a parking space in an empty parking lot. No one around nothing but the curb behind me. All of a sudden the truck jerked to a stop! LOL I thought I had hit something (or some one) 12" screen said parking sensor break!!! Just a reminder if you have this package that sensor is iffy at times. I got out and nothing was back there. I'm wondering if condensation has any impact on how these things work.... I'm happy its there but that is the FIRST time its actually activated. I back into a spot with a fence every day and its NEVER done that. I'm going to test it out today on some soft objects like a traffic cone or something and see if it happens again.

Thoughts? Experiences? I'm sure these will be funny... (hopefully)
It happens to me almost every time that I back out of my driveway. I haven't figured out what causes it yet other than it may be overly sensitive. It seems to occur more frequently when it is darker outside (like dawn) when I am backing out to go to work; maybe it is sensing shadows or something. For now I have the autobraking turned off until FCA announces a software update or my dealer looks at it. I don't think that anything is "broken" physically; I just think the software needs updating. It really shocked me the first couple of times; I didn't know what was happening. One thing is for sure, it stops you pretty quick.
It's happened a couple of times when backing down my in-laws sloped driveway...typically resulting in a scream from the passenger seat (my wife).
It's happened a couple of times when backing down my in-laws sloped driveway...typically resulting in a scream from the passenger seat (my wife).

Same here. It doesn't like backing up a sloped drive. Now I just use the switch to turn off the rear parking sensor when I think it might cause a problem.
It comes on for any slight reason. If the dive way is just a bit lower than the street by a couple of inches it slams on. If you back off asphalt to gravel it slams on! Scare the bejeebies out me! I turned the damed think off!
Backing out of our driveway the slope up to the road always gets it. Overly sensitive. Thought I saw an option in the uconnect to change sensitivity but I hadn't tried that to see if it changes.

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