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Leveling kits


Spends too much time on here
Mar 30, 2022
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I see a lot of guys adding front leveling kits. Sounds like a great idea to improve the rake appearance and give a bit more clearance for larger tires but do you guys ever haul any heavy loads or tow anything? I would think the back end must really squat. Some pics I see the front actually looks higher than the back after leveling. Guess I don’t get that and question if it’s all for appearance only at the sacrifice of the trucks built in capabilities?

To me that totally defeats the purpose of driving a truck. I actually like a little rake built into my truck since I’m usually hauling weight in the bed or towing so my truck is then pretty much perfectly level with the weight. I’m sure that’s what the factory intended. Squatting in the back can’t be good for handling on long trips while towing a heavier trailer or load in the bed.

Just and honest question I’ve been thinking about. Is it even a concern?
I think it depends on what you use your truck for. I don't tow very often, and when I do, the "squat" is not significant and doesn't bother me. If I was towing all the time or constantly loading up the truck I may not have done it, but I've leveled every truck I've ever own so...
My truck still has about 1/2" of rake after leveling, so with 2 dirt bikes in the back it sits perfectly level. I think trucks look a lot better leveled, so even if I did carry heavy loads, I would just add airbags to avoid the Carolina Squat.
I tow my TT fairly often and had the same concerns about excess squat when loaded. That is why I did a 3" front/2" rear level. This left me with ~1" of rake. I also added the Airlift 1000HD helper bags to remove more squat when towing. This setup has worked really well for me so far, and the truck looks a lot better without the 2.5" rake it came with.
This is why I love the factory air suspension. If I tow or haul a load, it auto-levels. So even if I put a level kit on the front (I already have Revel links) there won't be any squat because my air suspension will level it out again. Since you don't have the stock air ride, I would do like mentioned above and get helper air bags.
I've thought about this myself and personally I think its more for looks. I reverse leveled my 11 Ram by lowering the rear becausei didnt want to go up with the front. I installed airlift bags and I had zero squat when I towed my 7x11 enclosed trailer loaded with 2 big Harleys inside. My 21 BTS has the factory off road package so it sits a little higher and is more leveled. It still has a slight rake to it but to me it's not worth the time, money or effort to get perfectly level. I haven't had the opportunity to tow my trailer with the 21 yet so I don't know what the squat will look like with it hooked up.
Based on what I have encounter in the forum and the replies seen here.
like me while we still carry/haul stuff its not heavy enough that would make us nose high
others install air bags and some have gone and added a rear spacer lift kit to gain some rake back
I also think there are plenty of people that use their truck as luxury vehicles. Not as trucks and like the level look
Ok adding to this because I have a 2022 1500 on the way from the factory and reallyyyyy enjoy the leveled look and want slightly larger tires and dont want to have to worry about rubbing. However, as I research the options and weight what I want to do I am torn between a small front level and a more aggressive over haul (shocks/struts, control arms, etc.). My family has land and cattle so I will be towing occasionally, and I go hunting in Colorado yearly so light off-roading will be done as well. My biggest fear and question I guess is I have a brand new truck I want it to look how I want but I don't want the suspension falling apart in 3-5 years due to the changes I made. I plan on keeping this truck a good while. So thoughts? Leveling kit vs. more invasive work to level a new Ram.
Other that luggage and the occasional Lowe's run, I don't really use my truck to tow. I've towed my buddies Can Am X3 a couple times and some furniture on a trailer and it's squated but nothing unsafe. Te each their own 🤷‍♂️

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