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Kept mirrors folded on Hwy..MPG up by 20% !!!

I stayed at the 40 mph minimum on the interstate for a 500 mile trip and you wouldnt believe my gas mileage!!! I got a lot of dirty looks and some even tried to run me off the road, but I'm not sure why.
I took out all the extra crap FCA left in my truck and my MPG went off the charts!
passenger seats
center console
side mirrors
rearview mirror
rear brakes
AC system
power anything
fender flares

it was all just crap slowing me down and robbing me of mpgs.
This also reduces the unsprung weight so collectively this would seem to be a winner!
I see where you are going here.
lets go with centering the rear wheel by the pumpkin, nip the axles and those brake assemblies. We'll have a hemi powered prius in no time!
On my 2000 Longbed Dakota dropping the tailate on the interstate gave me 4 mpg better. Going from 15 to near 20 was great. With a 50 mile 1 way commute, it was worth doing. I ended up bying a Honda civic and the gas savings paid for the car and insurance. Still kept the truck.

I rarely drive interstate with this truck, will try it with tailgate down someday.
Losing weight is Great for fuel savings uphill, but You won't gain as much speed on the downhills as You used to.
...well well..this post turned up some great ideas! lol..
Lots of funny stuff here but it's time to get serious. With this shelter in place going on, I have lots of time on my hands. So, I spent hours and hours buffing out my truck and then put on two coats of a very slippery wax. When I drive my truck again (in a month or two) I expect it to slice through the air and give me a minimum of 10% and probably more like 15% increase in gas mileage. YMMV ;)
That coating won’t help your mpg as much as what it will do in an accident. If the other vehicle has any kind of coating, it will just slip off you. No coating will take off your coating as it glides off you

2020 1500 Canadian Sport 4x4 Delmonico Red
Now if you’re just looking for more horsepower, here’s an old ricer trick. Take two coffee cans, paint them silver, and attach them to your tailpipes. Good for 10%. If you paint RS on them in red, you get an additional 5%. This is fully verified by countless 19 year old’s butt dynos.

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