Im not certain speaking about my company is allowed here...I grew up from 1968 my family had a Dodge/Plymouth/Chrysler dealership in a small
canada prairie town, and all these years later because of a movie horse accident I invented/patented/trademarked GiDDYUPZ a grab handle extender soas EVERYONE NOT ONLY THE DRIVER can now not get car sick jumping sand dunes at hi speed-help with entry exit on raised trucks and they look great and are VERY INEXPENSIVE-the VERY STRONG UNBREAKABLE BY HUMAN HANDS. Jay leno loves them..please see contact me here for more information..thank you. John Wayne for GiDDYUPZ.
canada prairie town, and all these years later because of a movie horse accident I invented/patented/trademarked GiDDYUPZ a grab handle extender soas EVERYONE NOT ONLY THE DRIVER can now not get car sick jumping sand dunes at hi speed-help with entry exit on raised trucks and they look great and are VERY INEXPENSIVE-the VERY STRONG UNBREAKABLE BY HUMAN HANDS. Jay leno loves them..please see contact me here for more information..thank you. John Wayne for GiDDYUPZ.