That bottom right square sounds pretty impossible.
All that Ukraine money has to come from somewhere...
It's about time we have a Presidential Candy Bar Task force.
It's about time we have a Presidential Candy Bar Task force.
Only, if I had my way, they'd be selling Snickers to raise funds for the government, instead of taxing us. Kinda like high school sports teams.
All the lefty’s are talking about today is how great his speech was last night.
Omg it was horrible. The angry old man theme was so bad. And lies at every turn. It was more a campaign speech anyway since he’s losing every poll. I think they are hoping to get some voters back? And how will the Covid jab cure cancer? It cause heart problems and strokesAll the lefty’s are talking about today is how great his speech was last night.
Fact checkers are still compiling all the lies he spewed. It was never ending.
Tear the country down for three years and now try to take credit for “attempting” to rebuild it.
Yup. That’s the only thing he said correctly. ol Nancy said “it’s ok, he doesn’t believe that in his heart” . Gag meHe's catching hell from the squad and pretty much all the dems for saying "illegal."
I guess to them, misgendering or using a word like "illegal", which is defined by law, to describe a murdering scum here illegally, is far worse than him mispronouncing the name of the person the sh* t stain murdered.