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Bighorn tailgate badge loose


Feb 7, 2022
Reaction score
So I have 2022 Bighorn 1500 which I bought early February this year. Washing it today, noticed the Bighorn tailgate badge is about ready to fall off. Super loose and water was flowing behind it. Assume this is just double sided tape holding it on. Any easy fix for this or do I have to go to dealer? Looking online it looks like these go for like $75 new, but given it’s two months old I think buying my own replacement is not a good idea, even though sitting a the dealer for a badge replacement is equally annoying.

Instead of paying for a new one, let the dealer play with it next time you are there. It should be under warranty.
You have several options...
1. Just remove the badge.
2. Have it replaced by your dealership.
3. Replace it yourself at your cost.
4. Remove badge, replace the foam tape, reinstall.
You have several options...
1. Just remove the badge.
2. Have it replaced by your dealership.
3. Replace it yourself at your cost.
4. Remove badge, replace the foam tape, reinstall.

You have several options...
1. Just remove the badge.
2. Have it replaced by your dealership.
3. Replace it yourself at your cost.
4. Remove badge, replace the foam tape, reinstall.

Yeah agree. Guess dealership is most sensible, though annoying option.

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-Remove it and never reattach it.

-Or just remove it.. take off the double sided and apply some new tape.

I wouldn’t bother the dealer for something so minor like this. I’d be more concerned with who they assign to replace it trashing my paint getting the old badge off.

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I would not have time to mess with the dealer. Yes, it is double tape. Cheap at Home Depot, buy it on the App, pick it up in the locker inside the door. 5 minute fix.

Myself, I went the other way and removed every badge and sticker I could. Replaced the center tailgate one and the hood "Hemi" badges since they have holes behind them. Used black badges.
for something like that I would spend the money and do it myself, even if under warranty. Very easy to replace, takes about 10-20 minutes (cleaning old residue takes the longest). My time is more valuable than spending hours at the dealer for them to replace that under warranty.
I like the older bighorn badge with the ram on it. I would like to find a black version of that to replace mine with!

Yeah that one is cool. Tbh I’m not even sure what the correct part number is for my stock blacked out one.

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I pulled all my badges because I hate the clutter. With that said though, I posted here a week or so ago that my plastic door trim was cominng loose in a similar fashion. Maybe the double sided tape they use is of crappy quality. I'm just going to take my door trim off and re tape it myself. One of these days when I get around to it :LOL:

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