If your having battery problems then craziness with 2019 ram check rf hub/module...Was raining 4 days n parked. Battery ok 5 yr old oem....Read forum...You can reach under rear seat n feel the rf module. It was soaked from rain.My 3rd lite was leaking n antenna too. Have to take seat out n middle seat belt.I have a split bench, only took right seat out.4 bolts n easy.I pried sound board away n can get to module.pop off plastic body fasteners n 2 plug's n out n full of water no seep holes in it...You fry the board in module when wet.Ust it starts even grounded with water.Then board fry's n drains battery. Maybe another start but dont leave house. N then bam craziness.I dried board but its shot...With parts shortage only on ebay. But a dealer said no problem to reprogram fobs n module..Gotta tow it there no way around it. You can save $1,000 if you diagnose it n remove seat n install yourself...Fix leaks with a good silicone. N then take care of module if there's a leak.Cant move it cuz of harness....No way around it n dont drive it if it starts.You will be stuck...The engineers are idiots n get paid for nothing. One of the worse designs i have ever seen. N the leaks will occur 100% The leaks started in 3 years.Right after general warranty expired...If i was ya,all id wrap a plastic bag around it n tape wires fast immediately cuz its gonna happen soon....Sucks horrible but its the cause of craziness with dash n truck...So, they fill with water ,you start it n fry rf hub. Very simple indeed....Thanks Jon....