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Advice Needed: Building a Website for My Dealership – Which API Should I Use?


New Member
May 29, 2024
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Hey everyone,

I've got this big dream of starting my own dealership, and I really want to create a website where I can showcase all the vehicles I sell. But here's the thing: manually updating all that data sounds like a nightmare! So, I've been thinking about using an API to make things easier. The only problem is, I'm pretty new to this whole API thing.

Can you guys help me out by suggesting what kind of API would work best for what I'm trying to do, and who publishes it? Also, any tips on how to integrate it into my website would be super helpful. Thanks a bunch in advance!


Active Member
Mar 21, 2024
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SE Michigan
I dont think "API" is the term you mean. Sounds like you're looking for a CMS to manage your site content and inventory.

I don't have any specific experience with dealership websites, but it seems like many dealerships use only a handful of CMS platforms for their inventory. Searching for "Car dealership CMS" on google seems to turn up a few options, I'd probably start there and see what fits best for what you're doing and is within budget.

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