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2025 power tailgate stuck closed


Ram Guru
Apr 18, 2019
Reaction score
St. Paul, MN
Just an FYI for what is likely an uncommon but frustrating situation. Loaded up my bed full of winter camping gear and headed to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness for a few nights of winter camping and between cold temps and pressure on the tailgate from gear in the bed my tailgate would not open. Could not get it to open in power or manual mode. Fortunately we were able to unload everything throught the topper door but otherwise would have been a big problem. Once we had the bed unloaded and no pressure on the tailgate it opened normally. Not sure if it was the cold (was around 0°) or the tobaggans pushing against the tailgate that caused the issue. It was kind of embarrassing since it was the 1st trip with the new rig showing off the features to my buddies!20250223_130118.jpg
Glad your trip went well. Yea, every year it seems there is more electric gizmos to give us headaches. On my ‘22, I have the split tail gate plus the Rambox lids’ and it relies on an electric switch to open. I haven’t had any issues with that, but I miss just having mechanical linkage. In your case it may not have been a problem opening the tail gate with the load. Seems you can’t buy new and just enjoy it. Just waiting for the next event to occur.
Mine got stuck closed once after a car wash and cold weather. Had to dump some warm water down the sides of the tailgate to free the latches, then it opened.

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