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Search results

  1. K

    8.4" to 12.1" screen replacement

    We use oem hardware and oem firmware available to anyone to download. Dont need a license for that so yes you are wrong on that point.
  2. K

    8.4" to 12.1" screen replacement

    We are not doing anything like what customtronix is doing; he is essentially putting his own bootlader in and then pointing that to his modified software. Ours is 100% oem software and firmrmware. I refrained from quoting prices as we are not yet an approved vendor here.
  3. K

    8.4" to 12.1" screen replacement

    Lol no not quite that simple. But we convert your UAV to UAX totally oem with no hack and the software is 100% Mopar and can be updated as usual.
  4. K

    8.4" to 12.1" screen replacement

    We can take your existing module and convert to 12". The module stays fully intact so you can keep XMGuardian, Traffic, etc. Will need to send in module. Turnaround will be 1-2 days. pm me for details if anyone is interested.
  5. K

    8.4" to 12.1" screen replacement

    We have successfully converted UAV to UAX 100% oem no hack. uses your oem module and 12" software.