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  1. Morenar

    At a loss after hard off road hit...

    Sorry missed that when I read through it on my phone.
  2. Morenar

    At a loss after hard off road hit...

    Something else I just thought of. It's possible the radial (steel cords) in the tires snapped when it hit that hard. May not the rocking motion but a bad ride, yes. Road force balancing would be something to check off the list.
  3. Morenar

    Updated Front End Suspensions Torque Specs

    Just got this print out from the dealer a few weeks ago when I got ready to replace my end links. See some specs have changed for my 2021.
  4. Morenar

    At a loss after hard off road hit...

    Bent Sway bar or end links?
  5. Morenar

    What is this noise? Some siren?

    Looks like a tracker . Did a google search on XMR201510UC20. Maybe dealer forgot to remove it or part of one of those dealer add ons like LoJack.
  6. Morenar

    Paint Cracking at Edge of Hood

    Wonder if it’s starting to corrode like it states on this TSB https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2024/MC-11005320-0001.pdf
  7. Morenar

    If you've had the rear window leak...

    So far after two hard rain storms there have been no further leaks after dealership sealed the window and replaced the third break light.
  8. Morenar

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Hit milestone yesterday
  9. Morenar

    Install factoy sway bar bushings

    I went ahead and looked up the OEM method to install and it said use soapy water and push through. Seemed to work well instead of cutting.
  10. Morenar

    Install factoy sway bar bushings

    Where did you make the cut on your oem front factory bushings to install them on the bar? I bought oem ones after the energy ones I used continued to squeak even after greasing.
  11. Morenar

    Wind Noise Goes Away When Recirc Is Turned On.

    Take a look here Home | NHTSA under your vehicle year and there are a few tab’s that cover this issue. Look under structure category.
  12. Morenar

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Once I turned it on it definitely wasn’t a v8 :sneaky:
  13. Morenar

    If you've had the rear window leak...

    Just picked mine up from being sealed today and they did a pretty good job. My Dealer subs it out to a certified window installer and they used the 2 part urethane sealant required by Stellantis in the TSB. We will see how well it holds up.
  14. Morenar

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Dropped the truck off at the dealership this morning since the parts had come in to replace the brake light and seal the rear window leak. They were nice of enough to provide me with this loaner. 😁
  15. Morenar

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Yep it was a small crack but the latest TSB supersedes the previous ones for replacement. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2024/MC-11001564-0001.pdf Also there is a dealer letter that is recalling all the backlites from inventory looks like...
  16. Morenar

    If you've had the rear window leak...

    We are getting that winter weather here in Florida so I had to do something quick. I Cut a contractor yard bag in half and covered the window and brake light. Then used some magnets to hold it down.
  17. Morenar

    If you've had the rear window leak...

    Thanks. Dealership should have the adhesive and third brake light this week and I have my follow up next Tuesday. Anything I can do to help prevent water intrusion until then?
  18. Morenar

    If you've had the rear window leak...

    Working well so far? No Leaks after adding the adhesive?
  19. Morenar

    If you've had the rear window leak...

    Maybe they could do this instead of replacing the backglass. Maybe a cheaper route. This is what they are doing to mine since this supersedes the previous back glass replacements. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2024/MC-11001564-0001.pdf
  20. Morenar

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Just received the call from the service advisor. Driver side manifold replaced under powertrain warranty, ABS recall update done and they found two leaks. 3rd brake light and rear window leak. They have to order parts and will take it back in next Tuesday. 3rd brake light will be replaced and...