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Search results

  1. Kicker

    Sleeper TRX

    Dude, buy the TRX. The regular 1500 is no comparison to the TRX. It handles completely different and I don't just mean when you hit the go pedal. There is no body roll, it's like your on rails. Frame is boxed and heavier, 3 link on the rear, huge shocks, multi driving modes. put it in sport if...
  2. Kicker

    35s vs 37s on 6" lift UPDATE

    Boots have been giving out on modded trucks.
  3. Kicker

    35s vs 37s on 6" lift UPDATE

    Get ready to start replacing CV joints
  4. Kicker

    Exhaust Options for Hurricane 3.0 SST

    Lawnmower sounds better than that.
  5. Kicker

    New RAM Owner in NH

    Chester. Heck, I just drove by today, spent a few days up in Stowe VT.
  6. Kicker

    New RAM Owner in NH

    Welcome! What part of NH?
  7. Kicker

    Tell me about what kind of insurance coverage I can get away with

    Yes and no, time was that if it was paid off and you could afford to fix or replace it you got rid of collision but nowadays the real cost is liability and collision is the cheap part . Look at your policy and see how much each part of it cost and you will see what I mean. People like to sue now...
  8. Kicker

    How to rotate my tires?

    Yeah but how? The old cris-cross, left front to right rear, RR to to RF, RF to LR ? or just front to back, same side?
  9. Kicker

    I joined the Rebellion

    Nice ride! When it grows up it should look like this.
  10. Kicker

    It's been fun.

    I'm not really jumping ship as I will still be around but I have moved up to the TRX forum! Yeah, got me one of those beasts and I am loving it.
  11. Kicker

    Ok so we can't discuss guns here?

    Because gunz. Here is a gun forum I pretty much live at. Northeastshooters.com Forums
  12. Kicker

    💧 Now I have the back glass water leak...

    And how does one remove the back seat back rest where all this stuff is hiding? I too would like to make a cover, even if it is plastic sheeting to protect the stuff hanging off the rear of the cab.