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  1. C

    Auto dim high beams

    Goatman, Thank you for the reply. Upon further research I realize that I have to get the mirror with the sensor module before I can enable this function. Speaking of that, do you know the step by step procedure to program this function either with Jscan or AlfaOBD? Thank you.
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    Jscan vs Alfa obd

    Theblet. Thank you. I am going to get the proper mirror with the sensor module on it. Do you have the step by step procedures on Jscan to activate the auto high beams? Thank you.
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    Jscan vs Alfa obd

    All, thank you for confirming that Jscan can program the key fobs, auto high beams and the bed lights. So now where do I get the step by step procedures using Jscan to program these features? If these procedures have been listed already on somewhere on these forums please direct me to those...
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    Jscan vs Alfa obd

    HSKR R/T, Thank you for the info. on the auto tailgate release via Jscan. Do you know if Jscan will program the auto high beam function and the bed lights? Thank again.
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    Jscan vs Alfa obd

    redz72, Did you ever install the factory bed lights and program them with Jscan? If so what was your procedure on Jscan to actually get them programmed after installing the kit hardware and wiring? Thank you.
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    Jscan vs Alfa obd

    Brutal_HO, thank you for your kind reply. Do you know if Jscan can also activate the remote tailgate release, the auto off high beams and activate the bed lights? I plan on getting the hardware for all of these upgrades (key fobs with the tailgate release button, the bed light kit and the...
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    2020 Ram 1500 Bighorn AlfaOBD mods.

    Sorry to be posting on this older thread but hopefully someone can answer my question or steer me in the right direction. I already have the proper light switch with "auto" setting in my 2019 RAM 1500 Bighorn and will purchase the correct mirror (with forward "Sensor") to be able to add the...
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    Autel Scanner with Bypass

    Wow. Again, big thanks for your answers and patience answering all my questions. I also have a Microsoft based laptop that I can use so... what brand of cable would you recommend to connect the OBD port on the bypass cable to the USB port on my laptop. I'm thinking a hardline set up like you run...
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    Jscan vs Alfa obd

    HSKR R/T, Thank you very much for the kind reply. Since I have both types of devices and could therefore use either Jscan or AlphaOBD which is the more user friendly and has more programming/upgrading features for the 5th generation RAMs? Also, which interface would you recommend to plug into...
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    Autel Scanner with Bypass

    Ratchet, thank you again and so very much for the fast follow-up. I will definitely look into the AlphaOBD application. What OBD interface module would you recommend to communicate with the AlphaOBD app.? Also, any thoughts on the alphaOBD app versus the Jscan app for programming. I have an...
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    Jscan vs Alfa obd

    New to the 5th Gen forums so apologies if this question has been asked and answered. If so please redirect me to the proper thread. I have a 2019 RAM 1500 with remote start and auto dimming rearview mirror. I would like to upgrade by adding the auto off high beams, bed lights and the key fob...
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    Autel Scanner with Bypass

    Ratchet, Thank you so very much for your reply. I definitely understand what you mean about dealing with the 5th generation RAM security gateway module to get access to the BCM. So, is it only a matter of needing the security gateway module by pass cable (“y” shaped with OBD port on one end...
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    Autel Scanner with Bypass

    Sorry to comment on this thread after several years but I have a couple of questions please. My friend has a repair shop and has an Autel Maxisys Elite scanner and a subscription to Auto Auth and I want to see if that set up would allow me to program the BCM to recognize some upgrades to my 2019...
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    Auto dim high beams

    Sorry to bring this topic up again after several years. So… I have the “auto” setting on my light switch and small square white sensor on the front of my rear view mirror on my 2019 Ram 1500 Bighorn. However. The auto dimming high beam feature does not work when I set the lights to auto and push...
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    Power tailgate?

    Thank you so very much. THAT answers my question. I was confused because if you read the specs of the Mopar OEM kit, it says it comes with the two fobs and also says it comes with a wiring harness but everyone I talked to at Mopar had no idea what the “harness” was for. Going to get the fob and...
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    Power tailgate?

    Sorry to belabor this topic but I already have the remote start function and fobs for my 2019 1500 DT. So if I look at the specs for the remote tailgate kit direct from Mopar (OEM kit) it lists 2 fobs (with the tailgate release button in addition to lock, unlock and remote start buttons) a...