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  1. L

    Tazer DT 2024

    I bought a used one off eBay, turns out it was NOT unmarried. Zautomotive does offer an "unmarry" service for $50 that I made use of. Luckily the seller did right by me and gave me a partial refund to cover it. I wouldn't say the device is worth retail. I've encountered a few quirks and bugs...
  2. L

    Storytime: How I met my RAM.

    Hello all, I have a quick story about some quirks from Day 1 with my RAM. Perhaps some others have experienced some of these things, or not. Anyways here it is... I ordered my 22 BH CC 5.7 ORP Non E/T back in early '22. The day it comes in I take it out for a ride with the salesman, everything...