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  1. Bo-Bearski

    Purchased with paint matched brake calipers... Question?

    Curious... I have them, but just noticed others aren't, when looking at other 2023/2024 trucks online. Does anyone know if this was a factor option? I purchased this 2024 1500 limited truck used with 2000 miles, so maybe they were customer painted?
  2. Bo-Bearski

    Front Bumper License Plate Holes Pluged- Delmonico Red cheat

    BUMPER HOLES: I plugs the front bumper license plate mount holes today on my 2024 delmonico red 1500 limited with 5/16 push panel retainers (wrapped with tape to make them fit more secure). I had some Dupli-Color dark toreador red from a previous project, so I thought I'd see how it matches up...