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  1. Slutzk

    Hell yeah! cant wait to see it!

    Hell yeah! cant wait to see it!
  2. Slutzk

    2025 Builder is UP!

    lmaoooo what a joke prices are now a days. 80-100k for a 1500 boys! yay.
  3. Slutzk

    awe man that looks rad!! hows the seal on it? you going to put a marine seal or just use the one...

    awe man that looks rad!! hows the seal on it? you going to put a marine seal or just use the one it comes with? think i might buy it. please if you can brother take some photos and send them so i can see them in day light plus on and reverse!
  4. Slutzk

    2025 Builder is UP!

    Genuine question, do most of yall lease your trucks or something? or do yall own them and just have money like that? I guess my point is i never really understood why people have these 2022 or 2023 or even 2020 trucks and then go and get ANOTHER one 2-3 years later of nearly the same exact...
  5. Slutzk

    what one did you say you got again? it deleted the comments. Recon i believe right?

    what one did you say you got again? it deleted the comments. Recon i believe right?
  6. Slutzk

    moving to az the other half of my family on dad side was born and raised here in AZ and all...

    moving to az the other half of my family on dad side was born and raised here in AZ and all natives so i made the change about 5 years ago now.
  7. Slutzk

    Yep. lived in Oceanside and Fallbrook my self for 2 years but partied down there weekly pretty...

    Yep. lived in Oceanside and Fallbrook my self for 2 years but partied down there weekly pretty much im from IE though, Moreno valley to be exact and family scattered everywhere in Cali from IE, LA, SGV and SFV including SD. ex of few years lived in san marcos. got family in chula vista, esco, la...
  8. Slutzk

    Biggiehorn's Build Thread

    Is your company hiring? Man i have no idea how folks on here afford half the mods on their trucks. i guess im just poor :(
  9. Slutzk

    Poway huh... VERY familiar with the area. Then yes Prescott will be a great place for you. I...

    Poway huh... VERY familiar with the area. Then yes Prescott will be a great place for you. I have a cousin that lives there. For sure worth it in your case. Make the move!
  10. Slutzk

    Prescott is a vacation and tourist spot for nature thats it.

    Prescott is a vacation and tourist spot for nature thats it.
  11. Slutzk

    ill be honest if your moving TO Prescott, unless your retired, work 100% remote, or older... i...

    ill be honest if your moving TO Prescott, unless your retired, work 100% remote, or older... i would reconsider. Not only is it pretty expensive compared to most of AZ... the living up there is fairly boring and slow pace... small town you can say and not much work to make a decent living. Just...
  12. Slutzk

    Yeah im actually south of chandler even farther out, and not in the valley. Im in Maricopa...

    Yeah im actually south of chandler even farther out, and not in the valley. Im in Maricopa. Pinal County. Gets even hotter and colder here lol
  13. Slutzk

    Aftermarket 3rd brake light?

    wow yeah that actually looks bad ***, ill probably just end of doing that b.c looks like same tint as my overlay now except just looks cleaner. thanks man i appreciate it!
  14. Slutzk

    Aftermarket 3rd brake light?

    let me know when you get it please? Id like to see it
  15. Slutzk

    Aftermarket 3rd brake light?

    very true as well. thank you man! again i appreciate it!
  16. Slutzk

    Gas mileage on 3.6L eTorque?

    Before i traded to my truck now... i had a 3.6L and i was averaging 19mpg half city and half highway
  17. Slutzk

    Aftermarket 3rd brake light?

    hmmmm. although i havnt seen it for the 3rd brake light.... id have to disagree already b.c ive seen overlays on headlights and taillights comparded to tint and its a complete difference between the two. id imagine itd be the same for the 3rd. just curious b.c the reflators are red.
  18. Slutzk

    Aftermarket 3rd brake light?

    AH never knew that, i always called it 3rd brake light lol but cool thank you man id greatly appreciate it. Would probably save me some money to!
  19. Slutzk

    Do I need to replace my UCA's?

    No sir. i opted out of air suspension, read to many horror stories on here and reddit when ordering my truck lol Yes thats correct setup... it was smoother and better than factory ride imo. i can eat dips and bumps much better now. im sure tires helped as well but yeah i absolutly love it and...
  20. Slutzk

    Aftermarket 3rd brake light?

    CHMSL? If you dont mind could you snap a shot for me and send it? if your saying it looks good professionally tinted ill do that and take your word for it.