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  1. djevox

    New Member and new to the Forum world

    I said it before, but I’ll say it again- good looking truck!
  2. djevox

    Conspiracies - theory or fact?

    I’m 99.9% sure that wasn’t the point of Durham’s investigation, and there are stated exceptions in the doc, meaning those exceptions can continue. Oh, and wait until you find out who’s show the new CEO of Twitter worked for when she was the head of advertising.
  3. djevox

    2019+ Rams with Lifts/Levels, and/or aftermarket wheel tire setups

    It’s no problem, don’t worry about it. Your truck looks great!
  4. djevox

    2019+ Rams with Lifts/Levels, and/or aftermarket wheel tire setups

    Welcome, and congrats! You could’ve made this your first post in the intro section.
  5. djevox

    Anyone Considering The '24 Ram Dakota?

    Barfiddy barf barf.
  6. djevox

    Conspiracies - theory or fact?

    I’m trying my best to just chill out and see what happens, but I argue that Trump and Collins were actually working together to make it look good for Trump. Take a look at her history, as in spend about 15 minutes googling what she did in TV before she was on stage for CNN, and let me know what...
  7. djevox

    Anyone Considering The '24 Ram Dakota?

    I’d consider it if they made a dakota trx. Also wtf are they doing pulling that grill on. Looks like it’s frowning.
  8. djevox

    How Many Windshields Have You Gone Through?

    That would suck if it was that sensitive.
  9. djevox

    Ram's everywhere

    There’s a very large number of F-150’s where I’m at, but I see a ton of Rams also. I have no scientific data for that, it’s just me doing some daily observing while I’m out driving.
  10. djevox

    IHC 5/3 drop kit issues

    There’s a bunch of possibilities. Something could be installed improperly, a spring isolator could be missing, a bushing could be making the noise, etc. What rear control arms did you install?
  11. djevox

    3”BDS lift kit with 35”x12.5 20”

    Looks great! 👍
  12. djevox

    How Many Windshields Have You Gone Through?

    Yep, did tint also. Insurance wouldnt help. Also, technically it was 4 windshields but I don’t count that one since it was aftermarket and was removed after 3 weeks (no tint installed on it either).
  13. djevox

    How Many Windshields Have You Gone Through?

    My ‘22 has had 3 windshields so far.
  14. djevox

    Eco Getting Better and Better

    You got one of the 2023’s, nice! I hate a lot on this engine because I’m worried about parts availability in the future with stellantis canceling it this early, but it has excellent efficiency and I love how it delivers power.
  15. djevox

    Texas Custom Shop Builds Regular Cab Ram 1500 TRX!

    I think the reason it looks weird is because they kept the entire cab corner section depth intact. So they cut right behind where the rear doors end and moved it to the rear of the front door. That prevents them from having to do that difficult shaping of a new rear cab to match the bed...
  16. djevox

    Michelin Defender LTX M/S

    Yeah, E rated could quite possibly make all the difference on these tires. I was going for as light as possible, which is why I chose a P rated tire.
  17. djevox

    Michelin Defender LTX M/S

    Yeah, probably. End result is they’ll just lose me as a customer I guess. Edit: now that I’ve sat and thought about it a little bit, I think my estimation of replacing these tires in another 15k is too optimistic. I think the reality is these will start being unsafe in heavy rain around 8k more...
  18. djevox

    Michelin Defender LTX M/S

    Starting depth: 12/32 Depth at 17k: 6/32 Even wear with 5k cross rotations. 1/3 notch more tread on left rear tire. Tread wear shot, nice and even.
  19. djevox

    Michelin Defender LTX M/S

    I got a set though a distributor to our family business (auto repair) and have 17k miles on them, so I feel the need to say this. I’m extremely disappointed with how quickly they have worn with proper alignment. For reference, alignment was done when tires were put on, and checked again 2k miles...