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@WReckeR :
I got hit on highway and the other dude drove away. All front of my car was destroyed but fortunately I had a cam, got the footage and was able to read the license plate. The other car was self insured car of some company but with the footage they assumed all responsibility and fixed...
yes does, understood. I never had a fancy one, all mine manage parking mode with internal battery. Which in Texas heat is not the best for sure lol.
BTW for ground you just find a suiting screw on the body right? nothing fancy
500 usd is too much for me, I don't see that strong need for the dash. But the Viofo for 120 looks more reasonable (V3).
Why do I need two fuse splices? The cameras I installed in past had 1 fuse for 12V, ground and you still needed to convert it into 5V for USB. What am I missing?
Ok I will check the forum, in previous cars I did that - put it into fuse taps into box and then hide the wire behind the interiors but that was a pain the the butt. When I saw the 12V in top of the dash I was happy that I can use it without any wiring work.
I am not fan of the bulkhead gasket. It is a foam so it does get soaked and then it leaks at least for me. I put another seal - marine grade rubberi
seal- in front of it and that helps but it is not 100%, persistent rain does get eventually through. Than I have a leak by tailgate but there are...
I love how low profile the MX4 is. Any leaks for you?
I have it for 3w now and I am still hesitant to drive with it all the way up on the highway lol:-D
I would say there are different causes for different people. As in my case playing with AC does not make any difference, while folding the mirrors makes it go away instantly. I will see what dealer has to say
I am sorry if I miss it (it is 10 page long discussion) but is it now possible to get it officially recalibrated for bigger tires by dealer with no issues? What did you pay for that? Thanks!
I would still get 4x4.. when it rains outside, nothing in the bed to press on the rear wheels it is nice to put it in 4w auto. It is a truck you never know when you gonna need it.
If you can look at Built To Serve package it will give you a lot (like LED, Off road etc) for less.
from tuffy:
"Most of our Console Safes are available with either a keyed camlock or a 3-digit combination lock, however due to the limited height above the console in the RAM trucks, we are only able to offer the keyed lock."
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