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  1. D

    8hp70 replacement

    Indicated speed might be off - sounds like something you could reprogram though
  2. D

    First Oil change. Found Oil Leak!

    Yeah that's not my point - I'm saying you should relax and change the oil when the truck tells you to change the oil. Not "4,200" because bob on the internet said there would be metal, not 5,000 because that's what daddy always did, but when the *truck* says, because that's when it's designed to...
  3. D

    First Oil change. Found Oil Leak!

    You guys know the truck has a built in oil life monitor, right? Oil doesn't degrade like clockwork, it depends on how hard you drive. The on-board oil indicator keeps track of load, etc. so if you just pick up groceries with your truck it may even go 10k, but if you tow/ haul a lot, it may be...
  4. D

    Engine knock/pinging on 89 octane

    Exactly - it's logical.. but no one has ever proven *what* that octane is, exactly how much of a difference it makes, etc.
  5. D

    Engine knock/pinging on 89 octane

    Yeah, the general thought is that all the random crap lowers the effective octane. However, I have never seen a single paper that backs that up definitively. To me it makes logical sense that reducing crap in the intake would help with timing - the more randomness, the more likely you are to...
  6. D

    Poor gas mileage

    5th Gen/ DT trucks have an electric parking brake.
  7. D

    Saw an argument over Dodge vs Ram

    Essentially trucks made up the majority of sales anyway, so RAM was split off so the business could just focus on stuff that made sense for trucks and commercial vehicles.
  8. D

    Engine stalled / shut off

    This is actually the result of modern customers. In the 80's you turned the key and it would kick power on to a radio, gauge cluster, and maaaaybe a fuel injection controller. Nowadays people want modern features and forget that they have a body control computer, a powertrain control computer...
  9. D

    Got oil cooler? No, u don’t...

    The good news is that RAM has drug their feet long enough that they may jump to both port and direct like Ford/ VW/ almost everyone now
  10. D

    Got oil cooler? No, u don’t...

    That's just a valve cover - run your oil long enough and any engine can look like that! :D
  11. D

    8HP75 Transmission Service

    Here is the official procedure from ZF, who make the transmission for RAM...
  12. D

    E-Torque Motor/Generator Unit Seized on Highway

    Here's the thing, though - the MGU is a fancy alternator with an 80k emissions warranty. Losing the MGU is really no different than having a premature alternator failure except that it costs more while being covered under warranty longer. By the time most of us have trucks out of warranty we'll...
  13. D

    Got oil cooler? No, u don’t...

    230 is just fine - you want it to be around 210. 260-280 is usually when the oil breaks down a lot faster and everything else starts to overheat as well. As you point out in your second post - FCA designed the truck to meet targets, and numerous folks have hauled more than the rated weight...
  14. D

    Need Help.Multiple Fuel injector failure

    That's great news! Don't slack on that last injector, though - you've only got one O2 sensor per bank, so if you've got a bad injector leaning out that cylinder the ECU won't know until it picks up knock or misfires.
  15. D

    Dripping Exhaust-is this normal?

    Totally normal - the engine warming up causes condensation in the exhaust, and it's why our mufflers, etc. have weep holes by design.
  16. D

    Need Help.Multiple Fuel injector failure

    Hopefully you're kidding - Avgas has TEL that will destroy the catalysts and O2 sensors on your road vehicle.
  17. D

    Need Help.Multiple Fuel injector failure

    That's what I would do for sure. If you have a bandsaw, cut it open and inspect it (if you can safely)- I would bet the pintle is corroded from water or some other contaminant.
  18. D

    Engine knock/pinging on 89 octane

    If you're already pinging on 89 octane, you're probably going to want to look into that before you turn it up... granted, swapping heads should be a pretty thorough refresh
  19. D

    Engine knock/pinging on 89 octane

    Yeah that's no bueno - do you fill up at the same station? Might be time to drain the tank and refill with Costco/ Top Tier gas