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Search results

  1. M

    2021 Software and Map Update

    Yes, those files are for the 12" display.
  2. M

    12 inch software and map upgrade 2023

    Waist of money. Nothing new in the software upgrade to call it major. Maps are from Q422, so a year old.
  3. M

    2021 Software and Map Update

    Did you read the last fiew threads? Just go to that google drive link and download it.
  4. M

    Dealer mode access

    Maybe that will do it. https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=2020+ram+8+inch+non-nav+dealer+mode&mid=4FBE0A645248E7698F9B4FBE0A645248E7698F9B&FORM=VIRE
  5. M

    Disabling always on power in usb ports

    The front USB ports stay powered on for one hour after shut down. As soon you open the door, they will be powered on again.
  6. M

    2021 Software and Map Update

    They are not, only 39.9 and 40.1 are available for download. All others gives you this info.
  7. M

    2021 Software and Map Update

    Read about it here. https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/how-to-get-radio-update-files.42109/
  8. M

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    You will need those weeds when you kneel down and install the 2" level kit up front. After that, you need to wash it. 😂
  9. M

    OBDII Cable Splitter 16 Pin 1 Female - 3 Male Adapter

    Hard Wire Kill Switch GPS Vehicle Tracker - Advantage Automotive M/N Vs-4LU 22M https://www.ebay.com/itm/335044901395
  10. M

    water leak

    Not again... Search before open another "Water Leak" thread. there are about a dozend of them out there.
  11. M

    Adding Passive Entry: How-to

    Yep, you're right, missed that part.
  12. M

    Adding Passive Entry: How-to

    You don't plug anything into the car's OBDII port for programming. The 2 smaller plugs get pluged into Secutity Bypass Module, then you plug in your OBDII reader into the larger plug on this Bypass Cable.
  13. M

    Average cost for a front bumper repaint? Delmonico Red

    I bought mine from this place. Front and rear bumper, painted and free shipping, when I de-Chromed mine. Lots of work to chane over, but hey worth the price...
  14. M

    Rear window trim melts, shrinks and comes loose.

    Wouldn't the bulbs in the 3rd brake light melt the housing first, if it ever would get that hot? The bulbs in the 3rd brake light are low wattage, they would never create heat to melt plastic.
  15. M

    New 2020 Limited For Sale

    As far as I know, factory warranty starts when the buyer signs the contract.
  16. M

    7 Pin Trailer Connector

    Looks like you need the Step Pad, number 6 in the diagram. https://www.moparpartsgiant.com/parts/mopar-step-pad-rear-bumper~68342207ad.html
  17. M

    7 Pin Trailer Connector

    Picture will help to see what's needed.
  18. M

    7 Pin Trailer Connector

    You need her to buy this. All good...
  19. M

    Trouble with communication to canbus using ALFOBD to support BSM

    You will need the security bypass cable in order to program your truck. https://www.amazon.com/Exctool-SGW-Equipped-Diagnostics-Programming-Compatible/dp/B09WYFMN62/ref=sr_1_4?crid=SMTQ0Y0Z223D&keywords=security+bypass+cable&qid=1699811408&sprefix=security+bypass+cabl%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-4