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Thank you! Exactly what I needed.. Also just had my wife pull the window sticker outta the filing cabinet thinking it may be on there, which it was, she just sent me a picture.. Appears I have 3.92's..
Those are them! Rain finally let up so I went outside and took a wire wheel to all the studs to get the paint off.. Just in time for it to start raining again.. I'm determined to get these on tonight so my wife will shut the hell up. I'm 6'7.. I don't need the steps.. her on the other hand.. 5'9...
Only issue I have with these is I actually do wear my seat belt most of the time, it's just when I'm out driving around on a job site that I don't.. If I'm going to spend the time to plug that in, I may as well just put on the seat belt.. My 17 Ram 1500 chime disabled with the instructions above...
I'd like to see it with the factory mesh trimmed. I was considering doing that as well because nothing on the front of my truck has that flat black look. Also what are you planning to do for hanging the winch hook I'm assuming you can't use the part that comes with the kit to hook the winch hook...
I haven't seen one in person, looked at them online though. The only benefit I was seeing with the zeon was I wouldn't have to deal with the clutch relocation kit since the clutch is electronic on them.. Then only thing I have to worry about is that electronic part failing lol... More...
Heard back from 4 wheel parts today.. Apparently have to wait for the procomp 6" lift kit to be DOT approved for the 2020 even though it's the exact same kit that's already DOT approved for the 2019.. He agreed, probably gonna need to wait til after SEMA.
Sexy! Where'd you get it done at? I'm in Houston and Imelda is the reason I have yet another new Ram and am calling everywhere without much luck getting a 2020 lifted.. What I get for trying to live in the future lol
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