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  1. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    Rams01, I was hoping that your "remedy" was a technical one that could help all of us. I think you did the right thing given the circumstances. I drive my truck very cautiously now and when I am turning into traffic or other situations where I am concerned the truck will turn off and go into...
  2. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    Good question. Here is what I am hoping for: 1) They have seen the same issue and have a solution - either on their own or from the factory 2) They have not see the issue, but can provide feedback to corporate. With enough feedback from the field, maybe RAM will do something about it. 3)
  3. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    Good question. I told them as much. Here is what I am hoping for: 1)
  4. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    I have posted several times about my experience with this issue. I have not had a problem since January when this first appeared. The dealer had the truck for 1 month and did not find the root cause. They replaced the rear window and "blow out" all the water from the RF Hub and eTorque battery...
  5. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    OK - I would advise checking again in the future. Are you going to bring the vehicle to your dealer?? It must still be under warranty. One of the Dealers across the country must have some "Star" technicians that truly diagnose this issue. There has to be an answer.
  6. G

    Rear window leak

    Callie, I think we all appreciate that Ram Cares is willing to help as an interface to our local dealership, but this is a Corporate issue. We need your organization to raise this up to someone that can address this from the Top down. No one wants to go through this and certainly not multiple...
  7. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    I check this forum everyday, hoping that someone will be able to find the root cause and remedy. It sounds like the issue still exists in the 2022 model. I think there is a correlation between the rear window issues and water interfering with some of the electronics behind the rear seat. Did...
  8. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    I have posted on in this thread and others on this topic and I have not found a resolution to the problem. I scheduled an appointment with another dealership and I am hoping they are able provide some guidance on the issue. At a minimum, I want them to change the RF Hub. These have been on...
  9. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    I am sure it was scary. Did you check for a leak in your rear window?? When they did the updates, did they check for anything else, like the RF Hub?? -George
  10. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    Hopefully they will replace the glass and do a proper check on the modules behind the rear seat. I would push on them to change the RFH module, if they are available at that time. They are back-ordered at my local dealers until March. I have posted many times on this topic, but it is not...
  11. G

    Randomly Shut Off

    The 3 threads I listed in my last email all mention the RF hub or e-Torque module at some point.
  12. G

    Randomly Shut Off

    Tombstone, I seriously doubt the the issue is your battery. Please check these other posts and see if the issue identified is similar to yours: "Engine Shutting down while driving" "Engine Stalled/Shutoff" "Ram 1500 GT Shut down while driving almost killed us" Also.... Does your rear...
  13. G

    Rear window leak

    They already have a safety issue with the rear window / brake light allowing water intrusion. In many cases the water drips onto the RF Hub and the e-Torque battery/module. Many of us on the forum think it is causing our vehicles to shut down and go into PARK - while driving!! This is a...
  14. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    That was the first thing that the dealer did - to their credit. That is when they found the leak in the rear window. They replaced the window and tried to replicate the problem. They logged 50 miles on the truck and could not replicate the problem. That is the main issue. It is an...
  15. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    Jmmc, Check for a leak in rear window. Is the area behind the rear seat wet or damp?? It may be leaking and you have not noticed it. The Dealers and RamCares have been useless in diagnosing this issue. There is an RF module/controller on the cab behind the rear seat. If water were to penetrate...
  16. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    Today marks 4 weeks since my vehicle has been at the dealership. I do not blame them in any way. There is only so much that they can do with an intermittent issue like this. There have been a lot of guesses and theories that I have read on this forum and others. We need the factory to...
  17. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    This is a very serious issue and we need a way to elevate this to RAM/Mopar corporate. RamCares does a very good job of helping with Dealer issues, but apparently is not the right point of contact for situations like this. My RamCars Case Manager is helping as much as he can, but he is unaware...
  18. G

    Engine stalled / shut off

    Update: No update II have posted a couple of times on this thread. I am going into week 3 and no root cause has been identified. The dealership is trying to replicate the problem. I think we may need to go with the "Part Changer" route and start changing possible problem parts until...
  19. G

    Engine shutting down while driving

    As crazy as it sounds, No root cause or cure has been identified. My truck is still at the dealership and they are going to investigate further after they replace the leaking rear window. I do not think anyone has been able to identify what is the cause of this problem. A number of good ideas...
  20. G

    Ram 1500 GT shutdown while driving almost killed us

    In my case, the speed was slow (less than 10 mph). The first time it coasted to a stop and several times after it stopped suddenly. I completely agree with your assessment on the recall. The BIG problem is that no one has identified a root cause. My dealership says that they have never seen...