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  1. Z

    OEM Chrome wheel as a spare

    The 34 does fit. I found a guy talking about it on here and he posted pictures.
  2. Z

    2019 Rebel New Tire Recommendations

    New Toyo AT3!
  3. Z

    New Fox 2.0 coilover front shocks for 2019 and up

    That’s great news!
  4. Z

    Teraflex - DT Series - RAM Rebel Lift

    At times do you find it jarring?
  5. Z

    Fuel Filter Change - Dealer Ripoff - Southern California

    Can’t be the right oil....
  6. Z

    A/T that can also handle snow???

    I've had both... P275/60/20 and LT285/70/17 and liked them both. The LT's do better off road. More protection and deeper tread. Street and dirt road is fine for the 20's but not having much sidewall on true off-road areas forced me to make the switch to the 17s and LTs
  7. Z

    A/T that can also handle snow???

    That’s one of the nice things with the Falkens, they do not have the mushy sidewall. Really transforms the handling. The sidewall does not roll over but the ride is still soft and smooth. They do good off road aired down as well.
  8. Z

    Fuel Filter Change - Dealer Ripoff - Southern California

    Transfer case and differential services are recommended and the advisor can look them up by Vin number in dealer net which is software FCA provides to the dealerships but the advisor has to be smart enough to use it properly and sadly most do not… when I was an advisor I was big on up selling...
  9. Z

    Biggest Spare Tire that Fits?

    I hope you never have to use it
  10. Z

    A/T that can also handle snow???

    If you like the DYNAPROS you will love the FALKENS
  11. Z

    A/T that can also handle snow???

    Yes the Falkens are fantastic! The Dynapro ATM has been redesigned. Dynapro AT2
  12. Z

    Bilstein 5100

    My last truck had the 6’4” bed with the Ram box option. Icon says it will only lift 1” with that bed setup and such was the case. If you have the 5’7” bed I would not mess around... just get the 5160’s. #worthit
  13. Z

    Biggest Spare Tire that Fits?

    Suretrac AT is 33.74 NItto Ridge grappler is 33.98 in 285/70/18 Of course there’s a price difference between the two LOL
  14. Z

    Fuel Filter Change - Dealer Ripoff - Southern California

    They didn’t quote $390 in the USA. They quoted that in California. Completely different place and monitory system LOL. It’s been a while but I believe it’s about $200 in Idaho at the dealer when I last worked there.
  15. Z

    Bilstein 5100

    I had the icon springs on my 2015 ram 1500. 5100s front and rear and they were awesome. Truck was nice and smooth and with payload in the bed it would not sag. I wouldn’t hesitate to get them with the 5160’s
  16. Z

    Tire size?

    I have the same truck. Right now your Falkens are 32 x 11.2. Going bigger to a 275/60/20 is 33 x 11 or you could go to a 285/60/20 which is around 33.5 x 11.5. Depending on what tire you pick in the 285/60 size it can fluctuate from 33.2 up to 33.9 tall. Any bigger than that and you’re...
  17. Z

    2019 Rebel New Tire Recommendations

    I second this… If you are not going to mess with snow I would recommend the Nitto’s. An awesome mud tire that is quiet is the MAXXIS RAZR.
  18. Z

    Oil leak from top of motor

    Perhaps I should pop my hood...
  19. Z

    Falcon - Teraflex Kit out

    Did you install it yet? Have any pictures?